Second place ShiftsChallenge Weather track solution
Data, metrics and other information about challenge can be found here
Solution description can be found here
To reproduce the result, follow these steps:
- Copy the files train.csv, dev_in.csv, dev_out.csv, eval.csv to the data\raw folder
- Create a virtual environment. The required package versions are specified in the requirements.txt file. The virtual environment has been configured for python version 3.9.5
- Run all cells in the notebook "1_Preprocess_data.ipynb"
- Two new features are generated
- Missing values are filled
- Due to type casting, the size of the used memory is reduced
- Data will be saved to pickle files
- Run all cells in notebooks starting with the prefix "2_Train ..." (5 notebooks in total), you can also download trained models from
- "2_Train Bronze.ipynb" and "2_Train Orange Box.ipynb" are used for uncertainty predictions
- "2_Train Purple Box.ipynb", "2_Train Aqua Box.ipynb" and "2_Train Silver Box.ipynb" are used for temperature predictions
- Run all cells in the notebook "3_Inference Steel.ipynb"
- Uncertainty forecasts are blended with ensemble_uncertainties_regression function
- The mean of the model predictions is used as the temperature prediction
- Uncertainty forecasts are adjusted by the standard deviation of temperature forecasts
- Uncertainty predictions are adjusted for differences in feature distributions