- [BUILD] Fix missing emitted types
- [BUILD] Remove unused dependencies from the lockfile
- [BUILD] Rework internal build to allow for support different outputs and inspection: cjs and esm
- Introduces utilities and goodies from secretjs
- Updates to latest of cosmjs (v0.32.4)
- Updates build system
- Switch to pnpm and esbuild
- Update telescope to latest
- Updates telescope to latest to fix sdkmath.Dec values
- Update build to have latest stride protobufs
- Introduces ibc module to the build
- Optimizes node_modules for apps depending on stridejs by excluding git submodules
- Introduces stride/airdrop module
- Introduces LSM
- Adds a custom cosmos build for LSM-related messages like MsgTokenizeShares
- Introduces /stride/stakeibc/MsgLSMLiquidStake
- Update build to have latest stride protobufs