Releases: TandoorRecipes/recipes
Releases · TandoorRecipes/recipes
Update 0.2.2
- Fixed django not automatically choosing the correct language (currently english as default or german if set in browser)
- Fixed several typos in readme thanks to @ntindle
Update 0.2.1
- Improved edit ingredient (tabulator) table
- fixed broken translations and added missing ones
- added help texts for storage forms
Update 0.2.0
- Added fuzzy search to better find recipes
- Added recipe Images (with compression)
- Added CSS classes to be able to nicely print recipes
- Renaming a recipe in the Web UI will also rename the original File
- Added ability to delete original files in external storage
- Added Recipe Books
- Added Ingredient calculator
- Added checkboxes next to ingredients (for easier cooking)
- Added a favicon
- Added/Improved django 3 compatability
- Improved search UI
- Improved the emoji widget
- Improved mobile frontend
- Improved permissions with storage providers and comments
- Tweaked nginx max upload size to accommodate upload of larger images
- Fixed issues with Safari and external recipes
First Release
First stable release. Newer versions should not break anything.