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A pytorch template for deep learning project

An easy-to-use template for pytorch dl projects.

Start a new proj

  • Use python --proj_name xx --proj_loc /path/to/proj_parent_dir to extent to a new project. What you need to implement are the data, model, loss, metric, progress_img_saver. All other func for training and evaluation have been provided.
  • When you start a new proj with proj_name, the custom lib will be renamed by your proj_name. Recommend to use Camel-Case like (ProjName).


  • Install required lib by pip install -r requirements. Major lib are: torch, numpy, loguru, tensorboard, pyyaml
  • pre-commit install to install pre-commit for formatting. pre-commit run --all-files for checking all files.

Main Function

Use python --config configs/default.yaml to start training. All params should be referred to configs/default.yaml

CPU training

  • Setting --gpu_ids -1 will only use cpu, good for debugging. Refer scripts/ for more detail.

GPU and Multi process

  • Use launch: You can refer to script/ for training on gpu. Single/Multi-gpu with local machine and distributed machines are allowed.
  • Use slurm: You can refer to script/ for training on gpu using slurm. Single/Multi-gpu with local machine and distributed machines are allowed.

@master_only in all functions allows only the rank=0 node performing func.


  • Use yaml to save configs. Mainly saved at configs/. If you want to set or update by argument, you can directly add --arg value during input.

  • All arguments in yaml are in levels, and input arguments should be --level1.level2...


  • We use loguru to save and show the log. Only rank=0 process shows the log. You can add_log and set msg_level

Resume training

  • You can set --resume as the checkpoint_path, or the checkpoint folder which will load the But this only reads the model, you have to set --configs xxx as the configs in the existing expr folder.

  • In resume mode, if you set progress.start_epoch as -1. It will resume training.

  • If progress.start_epoch is 0, it will load the weight and fine-tune from epoch 0. You should set a different expr name like xxx_finetune for separation.

Reproduce an old experiment

  • All updated configs will be saved in the experiment. You just need to run in the exp to reproduce result.

  • The script is for starting cpu training. You need to modify the to use gpu.


  • You can add your model at custom.models with

  • Add @MODEL_REGISTRY.register() to the class for registration.

  • Some backbones/components are provided in common.models.


  • dir.data_dir in config is the main data_dir for all dataset. Should not specify it for any single dataset. You should modify you to make the address specified for you dataset.

  • You can add your dataset at custom.datasets with

  • Add @DATASET_REGISTRY.register() to the class for registration.

To set dataset used in train/val/eval, set

        type: xxDataset

Missing val/eval will not do validation and eval during training.

Data Transforms

  • You can modify the function custom.dataset.transform.get_transforms for choosing data transformation.

  • Some basic function are provided in common.dataset.transform.augmentation.


  • You can add your loss at custom.loss with

  • Add @LOSS_REGISTRY.register() to the class for registration.

To set loss

        weight: 1.0
        other: xxx
        weight: 2.0
  • Weights will be combined in loss_factory in custom.loss.__init__, you don't need to multiply weight in each implementation.

  • When implementing metric, you have to put inputs to the output device. Refer to custom.loss.img_loss for example.

The resulting loss dict will be:

    names: [loss1, loss2, ...]
    loss1: xx.xx
    loss2: xx.xx
    sum: xx.xx


  • Similar to Loss to calculate all metrics in once. But you don't need to set weights here, and no 'sum' is calculated.

  • Add @METRIC_REGISTRY.register() to the class for registration.

  • When implementing metric, you have to put inputs to the output device. Refer to custom.metric.custom_metric for example.

  • The resulting metric dict will be:

    names: [metric1, metric2, ...]
    metric1: xx.xx
    metric2: xx.xx

Grad clip

  • Support grad on the whole model by clip_gradients. You can set clip_warm as positive number in order to use clip_gradients_warmup after warmup period.


  • Validation will be performed on val dataset every progress.epoch_val epoch. Monitor will record result like loss, imgs.

  • You can specify the valid cfgs in dataset.val to change the dataset details.

  • If progress.save_progress_val is True, will save progress.max_samples_val result into experiments/expr_name/progress/val.


  • Evaluation will be performed on eval dataset every progress.epoch_eval dataset. All result will be locally recorded in experiments/expr_name/eval for each epoch. But generally you should not make it in training progress. Local evaluation is better to avoid over-fitting.

  • You can specify the valid cfgs in dataset.eval to change the dataset details.

  • Metric will be needed for quantitative evaluation.

  • If progress.init_eval is True, will evaluate with init model or resume model.

Local Evaluation

  • If you want to evaluate on a trained model, you can use python and set --configs configs/eval.yaml and --model_pt /path/to/model for evaluation. Result will be written to --dir.eval_dir results/eval_sample.

  • eval.yaml should contain param for --dataset.eval, --model, --metric.


  • Tests for common class and custom are in tests. You should implement your tests for custom class when needed.

  • We use unittest. You can run

    • python -m unittest test_file on tests in the whole file.
    • python -m unittest discover test_dir on tests in the whole directory.
    • python -m unitttest test_dir.test_file.test_method on test for single func.

Monitor and Progress saver

  • A tensorboard monitor will be used during training to record train/val loss, vals, images, etc.

  • All result in progress will be saved in experiments/expr_name/event. Use tensorboard --logdir=experiments/expr_name/event to check.

  • At the same time, if you set progress.local_progress as True, imgs will be written to experiments/expr_name/progress.

  • Change render_progress_img in custom_trainer for different visual results.

CUDA extension

We provide simple samples of CUDA extensions for simple add_matrix function, and a python wrapper to use it like a torch.nn.Module. More detail please see official doc.

Install it by getting into custom/ops and run python install. Or run sh ./scripts/

Run it by python custom/ops/ or run tests by python -m unittest tests/tests_custom/tests_ops/

Develop new ops

You need to have a new folder in custom/ops/ to include the source cpp-wrapper and cuda implementation.

A python wrapper is suggested to put under custom/ops/ to use the func for usage.

global, device, host: keywords

  • __global__: call by cpu, run on gpu. Function must be void.
  • __device__: call by gpu, run on gpu
  • __host__: call by cpu, run on cpu
  • __host__ __device__: both cpu and gpu
  • __global__ __host__ is not allow.


grid - block - thread is the level structure of GPU computation unit.

  • index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x = the thread id in a grid
  • stride = blockDim.x = total num of thread in a block. Commonly a block can be used to handle one batch.
  • stride = blockDim.x * gridDim.x = total num of thread in a grid
    • use this is called grid-stride loop

2d and 1d

  • 2d/1d grid/block are all supported based on your input tensor shape.
  • Ref to doc1 and doc2 for detail.


To put a tensor into cuda kernel, it uses AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES(A.scalar_type(), "sample_cuda", // this will switch actual scalar type ([&] { kernel_func<scalar_t><<<blocks, threads>>>( A.data_ptr<scalar_t>(), B.data_ptr<scalar_t>(), ); })); If you use A.data_ptr<scalar_t>() to send the pointer, it will be hard to access the elements in kernel func.

You can instead use PackedAccessor, which is like torch::PackedTensorAccessor<scalar_t, 2, torch::RestrictPtrTraits, size_t>() to allow easier access.

cal_grad in forward

In some case, it is helpful to store by-product for backward grad calculation. But in pure inference mode, it is not good to do such calculation during forward pass. It is helpful to pass an indicator in customized forward pass.

This indicator should be [any(input.requires_grad) and torch.is_grad_enabled()] to check whether any input requires_grad and whether it is in the no_grad context. In the .cu kernel, you should have the grad calculation by yourself.

More to do:

  • inference, demo
  • onnx or other implementation
  • deploy and web server
  • online project homepage
  • colab


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