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Here is the overview of all Model components:



Modules like embedder, implicit function, radiance field, etc.


  • Sine: sin() for activation.
  • get_activation: get the activation by cfg


  • DenseLayer: Linear with custom activation function.
  • SirenLayer: Linear with sin() activation and respective initialization.


We provide several encoder to transfer the input xyz/dir into higher freq embeddings.

Some customized cuda implementations needed to be installed by sh scripts/


Positional encoding introduced in NeRF.

Embed inputs like xyz/view_dir into higher dimension using periodic funcs(sin, cos).


Integrated Positional encoding introduced in MipNeRF.

You need to first get the Gaussian representation of the interval(mean/cov), then embed it into higher freq.


The multi-res hashing embedding introduced in Instant-ngp.

It only embeds xyz positions rather than direction. It uses multi-res volume grid index, hash them and get the embedding of grid_pts from hashmap, and get the embedding by interpolation.

You can select the backend by setting backend=torch/tcnn. tcnn runs in float16, you have to set dtype: torch.float32 to use traditional mlp(not fused mlp).


The spherical harmonic hashing embedding introduced in Instant-ngp.

It only embeds xyz direction rather than positions.

You can select the backend by setting backend=torch/tcnn. tcnn runs in float16, you have to set dtype: torch.float32 to use traditional mlp(not fused mlp).


The dense grid embedder directly extracts density and feature from a dense volume. It only embeds xyz direction rather than positions.


It takes any combinations of the embedders. You need to specify the encoder like

encoder:  # This is the encoder in NSVF
    type: CompositeEmbedder
    sub_encoder_types: ['DenseGridEmbedder', 'FreqEmbedder']
    input_dim: 3
    n_freqs: 0
        type: DenseGridEmbedder,
        include_input: False,
        feat_only: True,
        n_grid: 128,
        side: 1,
        W_feat': 32
        type: FreqEmbedder
        n_freqs: 6

You need to specify the sub_encoder_types and sub_encoder# for ordered encoders. You only need the input_dim for init input, and it will calculate the input/output dims.


Some encoders are implemented in tiny-cuda-nn by Nvidia. You should clone the repo --recursive and install them by sh scripts/


This class serves for the foreground modeling that it uses a geometric structure(volume,sphere) to restrict the sampling on pts in a smaller region. In some case(like volume), the structure is allowed to be pruned based on volume density, and a more accurate and sparse sampling can be performed.

This structure bounds the real object so that the fg_model can focus on modelling the object. Rays that does not hit the structure can be skipped from computation.

You should set model.obj_bound to set the bounding structure.


It does not contain any structure, and the sampling is performing based on ray configs. Points are either in a near/far range, or bounding by a sphere with larger radius that can cover all cameras.



It contains a dense volume with bitfield to record the density in every voxel. Optimization can be performed if you set. The points then will be sampled in remaining voxel. And rays computation can be largely reduced in coarse structure.

  • origin/n_grid/xyz_len/side: The information of the volume.
  • Pruning is allowed on unoccupied voxels. (See fg_model for details.)

volume_bound coarse_volume


This is another version of volumeBound which do not use Volume class but use bitfield as voxel representation introduced in instant-ngp. It has the same functionality but contains fewer tools for visualizaiton.


It contains a smaller sphere bounding the real object. In sdf modeling like Neus, it samples inside such a sphere.

  • origin/radius: The information of the sphere.



These models serve as the basic block for modeling obj geometry and radiance. It can be pure linear networks, pure volume, mix of volume and network, sparse octree, multi-res volume with hashing, tensorRF etc. All the blocks can be select from geometry/radiance part in cfgs.model.


This class use a encoder+mlp network for modeling the geometry and color. You can build the encoder/mlp differently if you introduce a new class.

Linear Network Model

implicit network for mapping xyz -> sigma/sdf/rgb, etc. Encoder + pure linear network Specify the type as GeoNet/RadianceNet(or leave it blank, which will be default)

  • GeoNet Multiple DenseLayer/SirenLayer. For details, ref to the implementation.

    • geometric_init: If True, init the geonet such that represent a sdf of sphere with radius_init(inner sdf < 0). siren layer will use pretrain, dense layer will use weight/bias init(But like an oval than sphere).
  • RadianceNet Multiple DenseLayer/SirenLayer. For details, ref to the implementation.

TCNN FusedMLP Model

Same structure with Linear Network Model. But multi-layer mlp is replaced by the fusedmlp from tiny-cuda-nn. It is much faster than original linear network, but loses flexibility(Only fix neuron size, hard to init the params, hard to modify source code, etc.) Specify the type as FusedMLPGeoNet/FusedMLPRadianceNet.


Rays/Points are processed in chunk and results are combined to get full output. If you set the chunk_size based on your GPU capacity.


The model is hard to process batch_size * n_rays_per_sample * n_pts_per_ray in a single forward, set it to be n_rays to be process in a single forward. By default use 1024*32 = 32768 rays together.

For input, dataset generate (B, N_rays, ...), where B is the num of image/sample in a batch, N_rays is num of rays from each sample. We flat samples in batch and get (B*N_rays, ...) together to send to the network. Those rays are processed in chunk and output return in (B*N_rays, ...) as well. Finally, we reshape them and get (B, N_rays, ...) as final results.

The main forward function in FullModel is a wrapper for (B, N_rays, ...) input, and it calls fg/bkg_model's forward by chunk_rays size, and the core _forward in child class (like NeRF) process (N_rays_per_chunk, ...) and get result for rays.


In the core _forward, the model may forward the pts sampled on rays. We set chunk_pts for a single forward size for pts. By default, we use 4096*192=786432, it works good for 32GB memory GPU.


The chunk process function supports bringing tensor online for each chunk and bring back after processing. This helps to save GPU memory in case large batch size is used and brought to GPU for calculation and concat.

You just need to keep the tensors in cpu and set gpu_on_func and it will bring every tensor to GPU online. (But large concatenation still takes time.)

Generally we don't use this mode but put everything on GPU together. You need to carefully specify the chunk size when input size is huge(like 512^3).

Model Configs

To see the model configs, you can go to configs/models. They are also used in unittest to check the correctness and give information.


Ref to the obj_bound section above.


The dataset only provides rays_o and rays_d, but the actual sampling procedure is in model. Dataset may provide bounds for sampling guidance, which is generally coming from point_cloud in cam space.

  • near: Hard reset the near zvals for all rays
  • far: Hard reset the far zvals for all rays
  • bounding_radius: If not None, will use to calculate near/far in the sphere. But it could be overwritten by hardcode near/far.
  • bounds: If bounds is provided in dataset, use it instead of bounding radius.
  • But it could be overwritten by hardcode near/far.

For point sampling:

  • n_sample: Init sample point.
  • n_importance: Point sampled from hierarchical sampling. For pruning methods, we are still able to use resampling for more accurate boundary estimation.
  • perturb: perturb zvals during training.
  • inverse_linear: If True, more points are sampled closer to near zvals.

For ray marching(color blending):

  • add_inf_z: When True, will use inf_z at last for raymarching, needed for rays including background range.
    • If you add a separate background model, you should not use it, so that ray inside the sphere focus on the object.
  • noise_std: if >0.0, add to sigma when ray marching. good for training.
  • white_bkg: If True, will make the rays with mask = 0 as rgb = 1.0
  • alpha: Some methods directly give alpha rather than use density.
  • bkg_color: If True, will use the mask to blend a background color to the input images. This helps to facilitate the training of some synthetic scenes if used random bkg. Only used in training and data with mask.


There are four ways to handle background

  • (1) Set a far zvals in rays for sampling. It will combine obj+background together for rendering. ImgLoss can be applied on the whole image for optimization.
    • background will be noisy and hard to model.
  • (2) Constrain the far zvals by bounds or bounding_radius. MaskImgLoss needs to be applied to get obj area optimized. MaskLoss should also be applied for geometry.
  • (3) If the obj does not have mask, but it is with white background(like nerf lego dataset). Set white_bkg in the rays, and sample in the ball. Directly compare the image and output rgb.
  • (4) Use a separate background model(nerf++), restrict the inner rays in sphere. Combine the inner and background model For color. ImgLoss and be applied on the combined image. MaskLoss and MaskImageLoss can be applied on obj image.

The first three methods do not require a separate model, but the final one does.


Main argument to the model:

  • inference_only: Use in eval/infer mode. If True, only keep 'rgb/depth/mask', will remove progress item like 'sigma/radiance' to save memory.
  • get_progress: Use in train/val mode. If True, keep 'sigma/radiance' for visual purpose.
  • cur_epoch/total_epoch: to adjust strategies during training Below are the models we support.


Full Model is the class for all models. It contains fg_model and optional bkg_model. It combines values from both model and get final results. If you don't use bkg model, you need to reconstruct the whole scene by fg_model.

  • The input size(like rays_o/rays_d) are (B, N_rays, ...) in FullModel.forward(). But they are flattened into (B*N_rays, ...) and process by chunk in fg_model/bkg_model.
  • If you set model.bkg_model.fg_only as True in cfgs, it will only render fg result. Could be used for inference.


Method two merge bkg_model with fg_mdeol.

  • If rgb, get fg and bkg rgb separately, then use fg_weight factor to mix bkg color.
    • In this mode, add_inf_z in background.rays should be True to get inf zvals. add_inf_z in model.rays must be False to avoid inf zvals in fg color computation.
  • If sigma, merge all sigma from fg and bg together and do ray marching for val.
    • In this mode add_inf_z in background.rays must be False to get correct zvals to merge. add_inf_z in model.rays is suggested be True to avoid merge inf zvals for color computation.


Base_3d_Model is the class for all fg_model and bkg_model. bkg_model is able to used as fg_model if you actually need it. It generally contains geo_net and radiance_net for geometry/rgb reconstrunction.


Here are the class of fg_model, which concentrates on building the foreground object part. You can choose to bound the main object in a volume/sphere for accurate and concentrate sampling, or without the structure to sampling in large space.

  • obj_bound: You can set a volume/sphere that bounding the obj. Look above section.

    • We may set up the automatic helper in the future. To find a close bounding structure.
  • mask_rays:

    • Using bounding structure may reduce the calculation on some useless rays. You need to assign default values to this rays.
  • mask_pts:

    • Use sparse structure like pruned volume make some ray sampling sparse. Some pts are not in the occupied voxels will be masked as useless. The fg model provides a wrapper get_density_radiance_by_mask_pts to do _forward_pts_dir with only masked points, it helps to save computation on useless pts.
    • For the mask, they are packed to [T, T, T, F, F, F] with False value only at the end of each ray. This will not harm the following raymarching/upsample funcitno.
  • Optimization: The optimization is only for volume now. The params are under cfgs.models.obj_bound

    • epoch_optim: If not None, will set up the voxel occupancy and do pruning every this epoch.
    • epoch_optim_warmup: If not None, will do different sampling in volume.
    • ray_sampling_acc: If True, will do customized skip sampling in CUDA. Otherwise use simple uniform sampling in (near, far)
    • ray_sampling_fix_step: If True, use fix step to init all sample rather than uniformly sample in (near, far). It reduces sample num with less computation.
    • ema_optim_decay: If None, directly write all non-negative opacity value by new one. Else, update old one by ema factor.
    • opa_thres: The minimum opacity for considering a voxel as occupied.
  • default values

    • If you use a obj_bound structure to bound the object, many rays may not hit the structure so that they can be skipped for computation. You need to set up a default value for them.
    • bkg_color: color for invalid rays. float in 0~1. By default (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), white.
    • depth_far: depth value for invalid rays. By default 10.0.
    • normal: normal for invalid rays. float in 0~1. By default (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), up direction.
    • progress: For the progress(pts in rays), it will all be set with zeros values.
    • log_max_allowance: Set this to allow dynamic adjustment of the batch size. It must use any bound structure to create a coarse mask_pts. It will adjust num of rays to fit the valid num of pts around (1 << log_max_allowance)

Following are real modeling methods:


NeRF model with single forward or hierarchical sampling. You can control by n_importance.

It is combination of GeoNet and RadianceNet, with ray sampling, resample pdf, ray marching, etc.


MipNerf model do not use the isolated sampled points, but use a gaussian expectation for modeling the interval. It is used for view synthesis rather than geometry extraction.


SDF model is a class of fg_model that model the volumetric field as sdf. Compared to density field, it is better to extract geometric information of the object.

  • For sdf, we are easy to touch the surface. Instead of volume rendering, we provide a simple usage of surface rendering by finding the surface xyz directly and use surface pts as the pixel rgb. A simple tutorial is in notebooks/surface_render.ipynb.


Neus models sdf as geo value and up-sample pts.

It is combination of GeoNet and RadianceNet, with up sample, resample pdf, ray marching, etc.

Since it gets sdf value instead of sigma, we do not support sigma mode for blending. (Actually we can do, but rgb blending has better result)

  • init_var: use to init the inv_s param. By default inv_s = -np.log(init_var)/speed_factor, init as 0.05
  • speed_factor: use to init the inv_s, and get scale by exp(inv_s * speed_factor``. By default 10`.
  • anneal_end: num of epoch for slope blending. In infer model, the factor is 1, else min(epoch/anneal_end, 1)
  • n_iter: num of iter to run upsample algo.
  • radius_bound: This is the interest of radius that we bound.
  • A unit test in show the upsample algorithm's benefit.

neus neus2


VolSDF models sdf as well but used different sdf_to_density function and sampling method compared with NeuS.

  • init_beta: use to init the ln_beta param. By default inv_s = np.log(init_beta)/speed_factor, init as 0.1
  • speed_factor: use to init the inv_s, and get scale by exp(ln_beta * speed_factor``. By default 10`.
  • beta_min: min beta offset, by default 1e-4
  • n_iter: num of iter to run upsample algo.
  • n_eval: num of eval pts for upsampling, not used for backward.
  • beta_iter: num of iter to update beta
  • eps: small threshold
  • radius_bound: This is the interest of radius that we bound.

The performance is worse than Neus as we test.

  • A unit test in show the upsample algorithm's benefit. volsdf


Instant-ngp is not a model. It uses HashGridEmbedder and SHEmbedder to accelerate the training progress. For volume-based acceleration, you should set obj_bound as a volume, use do optim/ray_sample_acc for fast sampling.

  • cascade: Since we focus on modeling the main object in the scene, we do not use multi-cascade for sampling and density update. Only a single N_grid**3 density bitfield is used for record and sampling.
  • As in original repo, the data are processed such that all sampling ray points are in [0, 1] already. We use the volume not normalized as a [0, 1] cuda but with customized position and length. The sampling is based on the customized volume.

The converge is like: ngp


HDR-NeRF has the same structure as NeRF, so it directly inherits the NeRF class. Difference is that it has several tiny and separate mlps to map the hdr rgb value into ldr values. Most configs are the same as nerf.

  • exp_mlps: Use for define the exp_mlps structure.


Here are the class of bkg_model, which concentrates on building the background. The model is also able to model foreground together if you set the parameters well.


The nerf++ model use same structure of one stage NeRF model to model the background in Multi-Sphere Image(MSI), and change input to (x/r, y/r, z/r, 1/r) for different radius.

  • n_importance: Like original NeRF, we also allow you to do resampling in the bkg, which improve bkg sample quality.


The Multivol model is the same from Instant-ngp but remove the inner volume to model the background in Multi-Volume structure. It uses dense sampling with pruning bitfield, which samples in important area for rendering. It will be good to used hashEncoding introduced in instant-ngp since the sampled points are in volume range.

  • basic_volume: Compared to instant-ngp which uses a fix volume structure, we are free to set the basic_volume and expand by pow of 2 in each cascade.
    • inclusive: The bkg_model can also be a full-scene model by setting inclusive as True, which samples pts in the inner volume as well. In this mode, it will be different to do extraction, by rendering is fine.