- [test] elaborate on batch item description
- [whitespace, license]
- Merge pull request #8 from danilodeveloper/master
- test 'entry should be undefined' added
- assert fixed
- sort bug fixed
- added option to return only selected column or columns
- [deps] mongoose - bump from older 2.7.0 to 3.5.1
- [deps] bumped vows to latest, 0.7.0
- [dist] version bump
- [package] >= 0.8.0
- [travis, tests] only test master branch
- [travis, tests] only test 0.8
- Merge pull request #2 from Pechalka/master
- fix zero count
- fix count
- Merge pull request #1 from colkito/patch-1
- Update for express 3.0
- [deps] bump mongoose to 2.7.0
- [docs] minor
- [node] dont be a dictator, require 0.6.0+ for new engine
- [travis] test on 0.6/0.8.0
- [changelog] updated
- [docs] description
- [.gitignore] added
- [deps] bump mongoose to 2.6.7
- [node] engine bump
- [changelog] created, updated
- [package] bugs
- [package] homepage
- [package] contributors
- [license] 2011-2012
- [stylize] make it look pretty
- [node] bump engine req to 0.6.11
- [deps] bump mongoose to 2.5.13
- [deps] bump vows to 0.6.2