-The scripts for StreamCat rely on several python modules a user will need to install such as numpy, gdal, rasterio, geopandas, shapely and ArcPy with an ESRI license (minimal steps still using ArcPy). We highly recommend using a scientific python distribution such as [Anaconda](https://www.continuum.io/downloads) or [Enthought Canopy](https://www.enthought.com/products/canopy/). We used the conda package manager to install necessary python modules. Note that package configurations and dependencies are sensitive and can change - in particular, setting up an environment with a working version of both `geopandas` and `arcpy` can be challenging. Our working version of the conda environment is contained in the StreamCat.yml file in the repository, and our essential packages and versions when code was last used are listed below - note that other configurations may work, we simply have verified this particular combination (Windows 64 and Python 3.7.10):
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