diff --git a/data/layers/miryoku-kle-reference-lite-ansi.json b/data/layers/miryoku-kle-reference-lite-ansi.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c877b0a
--- /dev/null
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+ {
+ "name": "Miryoku Lite 60% ANSI",
+ "author": "Manna Harbour"
+ },
+ [
+ {
+ "f": 4,
+ "w": 12,
+ "h": 0.5,
+ "d": true
+ },
+ "Layer Reference (Lite, 60% ANSI)"
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+ "c": "#888888",
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff0000\n#00ff00\n#0000ff\n#ff00ff",
+ "f": 3,
+ "w": 1.5,
+ "h": 0.75
+ },
+ "Esc\n≣\n(\n.\nMedia",
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+ "g": true,
+ "a": 7,
+ "h": 0.75
+ },
+ "",
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+ "",
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+ "",
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+ },
+ "",
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+ "",
+ {
+ "h": 0.75
+ },
+ "",
+ {
+ "h": 0.75
+ },
+ "",
+ {
+ "h": 0.75
+ },
+ "",
+ {
+ "h": 0.75
+ },
+ "",
+ {
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+ },
+ "",
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+ "",
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+ "a": 4,
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+ "h": 0.75
+ },
+ "⌦\n🔇\nM\n⌦\nFun"
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+ "g": true,
+ "a": 7
+ },
+ "",
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+ "",
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+ "g": false,
+ "a": 4,
+ "w": 1.75
+ },
+ "⌫\n⏯\nL\n⌫\nNum"
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff0000\n#00ff00\n#0000ff\n#ffff00",
+ "w": 1.5
+ },
+ "⭾\n⭾\n_\n-\nMouse",
+ {
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff0000\n#00ff00\n#0000ff\n#ffffff",
+ "fa": [
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 2
+ ]
+ },
+ "Q\nF12\n{\n[\nBoot",
+ {
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "W\nF7\n&\n7\nTap",
+ {
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "F\nF8\n*\n8\nExtra",
+ {
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "P\nF9\n(\n9\nBase",
+ {
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff0000\n#00ff00\n#0000ff",
+ "f": 2,
+ "fa": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
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+ "B\nPrtScn SysRq\n}\n]",
+ {
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff00ff\n#ffff00\n#00ffff",
+ "f": 3,
+ "f2": 2
+ },
+ "J\nR\nRedo\nRedo",
+ {
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff00ff\n#ffff00\n#00ffff\n#ffffff",
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "L\nM\nPaste\nPaste\nBase",
+ {
+ "fa": [
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 2,
+ 2
+ ]
+ },
+ "U\nH\nCopy\nCopy\nExtra",
+ {
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "Y\nS\nCut\nCut\nTap",
+ {
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "'\nV\nUndo\nUndo\nBoot",
+ {
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+ "t": "#000000",
+ "g": true,
+ "a": 7
+ },
+ "",
+ "",
+ {
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+ "g": false,
+ "a": 4,
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "A\nF11\n:\n;\nSuper",
+ {
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "R\nF4\n$\n4\nAlt",
+ {
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "S\nF5\n%\n5\nCtrl",
+ {
+ "f": 3,
+ "n": true
+ },
+ "T\nF6\n^\n6\nShift",
+ {
+ "f": 2,
+ "fa": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 3,
+ 3
+ ]
+ },
+ "G\nScroll Lock\n+\n=",
+ {
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+ "f": 3,
+ "fa": [
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 2
+ ]
+ },
+ "M\nE\n\nCaps Lock",
+ {
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff00ff\n#ffff00\n#00ffff",
+ "f": 3,
+ "n": true
+ },
+ "N\n⏮\n⬅\n◀\nShift",
+ {
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "E\n🔉\n⬇\n▼\nCtrl",
+ {
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "I\n🔊\n⬆\n▲\nAlt",
+ {
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "O\n⏭\n➡\n▶\nSuper",
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+ "t": "#000000",
+ "g": true,
+ "a": 7
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+ "w": 1.75,
+ "x2": -0.25
+ },
+ "↵\n◼\nR\n↵\nSym"
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+ "a": 4,
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "Z\nF10\n~\n`\nButton",
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+ "f": 3
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+ "X\nF1\n!\n1",
+ {
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+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "C\nF2\n@\n2\nOpp",
+ {
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "D\nF3\n#\n3\nCur",
+ {
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+ "f": 2,
+ "fa": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 3,
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+ ]
+ },
+ "V\nPause Break\n|\n\\",
+ {
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff00ff\n\n#00ffff",
+ "f": 3,
+ "fa": [
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
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+ ]
+ },
+ "K\nO\n\nInsert",
+ {
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff00ff\n#ffff00\n#00ffff\n#ffffff",
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "H\n0\n⇦\nHome\nCur",
+ {
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ ",\n1\n⇩\nPage Down\nOpp",
+ {
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff00ff\n#ffff00\n#00ffff",
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ ".\n2\n⇧\nPage Up",
+ {
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff00ff\n#ffff00\n#00ffff\n#C0C0C0",
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "/\n3\n⇨\nEnd\nButton",
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+ "w": 2.5
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+ "g": false,
+ "a": 4,
+ "f": 3,
+ "w": 5
+ },
+ "Spc\nSpc\n)\n0\nNav",
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+ "w": 14.75,
+ "d": true
+ },
+ "Miryoku\ngithub.com/manna-harbour/miryoku\n\n\n\n\nManna Harbour",
+ {
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+ "c": "#cccccc",
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+ "d": true
+ },
+ "
+ {
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+ "
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+ },
+ "
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/layers/miryoku-kle-reference-lite-ansi.png b/data/layers/miryoku-kle-reference-lite-ansi.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb03e4f
Binary files /dev/null and b/data/layers/miryoku-kle-reference-lite-ansi.png differ
diff --git a/data/layers/miryoku-kle-reference-lite-qwerty-ansi.json b/data/layers/miryoku-kle-reference-lite-qwerty-ansi.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d28e3c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/layers/miryoku-kle-reference-lite-qwerty-ansi.json
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+ {
+ "name": "Miryoku Lite QWERTY 60% ANSI",
+ "author": "Manna Harbour"
+ },
+ [
+ {
+ "f": 4,
+ "w": 12,
+ "h": 0.5,
+ "d": true
+ },
+ "Layer Reference (Lite QWERTY, 60% ANSI)"
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "y": -0.25,
+ "c": "#888888",
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff0000\n#00ff00\n#0000ff\n#ff00ff",
+ "f": 3,
+ "w": 1.5,
+ "h": 0.75
+ },
+ "Esc\n≣\n(\n.\nMedia",
+ {
+ "c": "#cccccc",
+ "t": "#000000",
+ "g": true,
+ "a": 7,
+ "h": 0.75
+ },
+ "",
+ {
+ "h": 0.75
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+ "",
+ {
+ "h": 0.75
+ },
+ "",
+ {
+ "h": 0.75
+ },
+ "",
+ {
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+ },
+ "",
+ {
+ "h": 0.75
+ },
+ "",
+ {
+ "h": 0.75
+ },
+ "",
+ {
+ "h": 0.75
+ },
+ "",
+ {
+ "h": 0.75
+ },
+ "",
+ {
+ "h": 0.75
+ },
+ "",
+ {
+ "h": 0.75
+ },
+ "",
+ {
+ "h": 0.75
+ },
+ "",
+ {
+ "c": "#888888",
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff00ff\n#ffff00\n#00ffff\n#ff0000",
+ "g": false,
+ "a": 4,
+ "w": 1.25,
+ "h": 0.75
+ },
+ "⌦\n🔇\nM\n⌦\nFun"
+ ],
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+ "t": "#000000",
+ "g": true,
+ "a": 7
+ },
+ "",
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+ "",
+ {
+ "c": "#888888",
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff00ff\n#ffff00\n#00ffff\n#0000ff",
+ "g": false,
+ "a": 4,
+ "w": 1.75
+ },
+ "⌫\n⏯\nL\n⌫\nNum"
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff0000\n#00ff00\n#0000ff\n#ffff00",
+ "w": 1.5
+ },
+ "⭾\n⭾\n_\n-\nMouse",
+ {
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff0000\n#00ff00\n#0000ff\n#ffffff",
+ "fa": [
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 2
+ ]
+ },
+ "Q\nF12\n{\n[\nBoot",
+ {
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "W\nF7\n&\n7\nTap",
+ {
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "E\nF8\n*\n8\nExtra",
+ {
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "R\nF9\n(\n9\nBase",
+ {
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff0000\n#00ff00\n#0000ff",
+ "f": 2,
+ "fa": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 3,
+ 3
+ ]
+ },
+ "T\nPrtScn SysRq\n}\n]",
+ {
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff00ff\n#ffff00\n#00ffff",
+ "f": 3,
+ "f2": 2
+ },
+ "Y\nR\nRedo\nRedo",
+ {
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff00ff\n#ffff00\n#00ffff\n#ffffff",
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "U\nM\nPaste\nPaste\nBase",
+ {
+ "fa": [
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 2,
+ 2
+ ]
+ },
+ "I\nH\nCopy\nCopy\nExtra",
+ {
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "O\nS\nCut\nCut\nTap",
+ "P\nV\nUndo\nUndo\nBoot",
+ {
+ "c": "#cccccc",
+ "t": "#000000",
+ "g": true,
+ "a": 7
+ },
+ "",
+ "",
+ {
+ "w": 1.25
+ },
+ ""
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+ "w": 1.75
+ },
+ "",
+ {
+ "c": "#888888",
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff0000\n#00ff00\n#0000ff",
+ "g": false,
+ "a": 4,
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "A\nF11\n:\n;\nSuper",
+ {
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "S\nF4\n$\n4\nAlt",
+ {
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "D\nF5\n%\n5\nCtrl",
+ {
+ "f": 3,
+ "n": true
+ },
+ "F\nF6\n^\n6\nShift",
+ {
+ "f": 2,
+ "fa": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 3,
+ 3
+ ]
+ },
+ "G\nScroll Lock\n+\n=",
+ {
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff00ff\n#ffff00\n#00ffff",
+ "f": 3,
+ "fa": [
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 2
+ ]
+ },
+ "H\nE\n\nCaps Lock",
+ {
+ "f": 3,
+ "n": true
+ },
+ "J\n⏮\n⬅\n◀\nShift",
+ {
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "K\n🔉\n⬇\n▼\nCtrl",
+ {
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "L\n🔊\n⬆\n▲\nAlt",
+ {
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "'\n⏭\n➡\n▶\nSuper",
+ {
+ "c": "#cccccc",
+ "t": "#000000",
+ "g": true,
+ "a": 7
+ },
+ "",
+ {
+ "x": 0.25,
+ "c": "#888888",
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff00ff\n#ffff00\n#00ffff\n#00ff00",
+ "g": false,
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+ "f": 3,
+ "w": 1.75,
+ "x2": -0.25
+ },
+ "↵\n◼\nR\n↵\nSym"
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+ "t": "#000000",
+ "g": true,
+ "a": 7,
+ "w": 2.25
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+ "a": 4,
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "Z\nF10\n~\n`\nButton",
+ {
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff0000\n#00ff00\n#0000ff",
+ "f": 3
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+ "X\nF1\n!\n1",
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+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "C\nF2\n@\n2\nOpp",
+ {
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "V\nF3\n#\n3\nCur",
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+ "f": 2,
+ "fa": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 3,
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+ ]
+ },
+ "B\nPause Break\n|\n\\",
+ {
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff00ff\n\n#00ffff",
+ "f": 3,
+ "fa": [
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
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+ },
+ "N\nO\n\nInsert",
+ {
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff00ff\n#ffff00\n#00ffff\n#ffffff",
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ "M\n0\n⇦\nHome\nCur",
+ ",\n1\n⇩\nPage Down\nOpp",
+ {
+ "t": "#000000\n#ff00ff\n#ffff00\n#00ffff",
+ "f": 3
+ },
+ ".\n2\n⇧\nPage Up",
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+ "f": 3
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+ "/\n3\n⇨\nEnd\nButton",
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+ "w": 5
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+ "Spc\nSpc\n)\n0\nNav",
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+ "w": 14.75,
+ "d": true
+ },
+ "Miryoku\ngithub.com/manna-harbour/miryoku\n\n\n\n\nManna Harbour",
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+ "c": "#cccccc",
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+ "d": true
+ },
+ "
+ {
+ "d": true
+ },
+ "
+ {
+ "d": true
+ },
+ "
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90ef080
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