Group: Extensible Storage Engine (ESE, Jet Blue) - Library: esent
Extensible Storage Engine class library
JET_ERR JET_API JetBeginSession(
__in JET_INSTANCE instance,
__out JET_SESID* psesid,
__in_opt JET_PCSTR szUserName,
__in_opt JET_PCSTR szPassword
DECLARE INTEGER JetBeginSession IN esent;
INTEGER instance,;
INTEGER @psesid,;
INTEGER szUserName,;
INTEGER szPassword
instance The database instance to use for this call.
psesid Pointer to the variable that the session handle initializes on successful return.
szUserName This parameter is reserved.
szPassword This parameter is reserved.
This function allows for the return of any JET_ERRs that are defined in this API.
Sessions control all access to the database and are used to control the scope of transactions. The session can be used to begin, commit, or abort transactions.
The session is also used to attach, create, or open a database. To increase concurrency and parallel access to the database, multiple sessions can be begun.
See also: JetEndSession.