Group: Device Context - Library: gdi32
Deletes a logical pen, brush, font, bitmap, region, or palette, freeing all system resources associated with the object. After the object is deleted, the specified handle is no longer valid.
Printing text on the main VFP window
Placing an arbitrary rectangular area of main VFP window on the Clipboard
How to copy the image of a form to the Clipboard using Bitmap API functions
Using FrameRgn for displaying system colors
How to create transparent areas inside a form -- punching holes in the form
An alternative way of setting Form.Closable to False
Round FoxPro form
Creating a clipping region from the path selected into the device context of a form
How to print FoxPro form
Storing screen shot of a form to bitmap file
Storing content of the Clipboard to a bitmap file
Using the LoadImage function to have a bitmap file loaded and displayed on VFP main window
How to print a bitmap file
Drawing Windows predefined bitmaps using the LoadBitmap functions
Displaying bitmap using the AlphaBlend function
Splash Screen for the VFP application
Bitmap Class for Visual FoxPro application
Using Common Controls: the Header Control
How to put a horizontal text scrolling on the form (a news line, marquee)
How to put a vertical text scrolling on the form (a movie cast)
Displaying animated images on FoxPro form with BitBlt and StretchBlt functions
Printing text with the Escape function
Subclassing CommandButton control to create BackColor property
Vertical Label control
How to change the name and the size of the font in the MessageBox dialog
Custom GDI+ class
How to convert a bitmap file to monochrome format (1 bpp)
How to draw custom Window Caption on FoxPro form
Converting image file to .ICO file
Placing On-screen Alert on top of all windows
How to make a VFP form fading out when released (GDI version)
Displaying dimmed window behind VFP top-level form
BOOL DeleteObject(
HGDIOBJ hObject // handle to graphic object
DECLARE INTEGER DeleteObject IN gdi32;
hObject [in] Handle to a logical pen, brush, font, bitmap, region, or palette.
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.