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Function name : StretchDIBits

Group: Bitmap - Library: gdi32

The StretchDIBits function copies the color data for a rectangle of pixels in a DIB to the specified destination rectangle.

Code examples:

How to print FoxPro form
How to print a bitmap file


int StretchDIBits(
  HDC hdc,                      // handle to DC
  int XDest,                    // x-coord of dest. upper-left
  int YDest,                    // y-coord of dest. upper-left
  int nDestWidth,               // width of dest. rectangle
  int nDestHeight,              // height of dest. rectangle
  int XSrc,                     // x-coord of src upper-left
  int YSrc,                     // y-coord of src upper-left
  int nSrcWidth,                // width of src rectangle
  int nSrcHeight,               // height of src rectangle
  CONST VOID *lpBits,           // bitmap bits
  CONST BITMAPINFO *lpBitsInfo, // bitmap data
  UINT iUsage,                  // usage options
  DWORD dwRop                   // raster operation code

FoxPro declaration:

	INTEGER   hdc,;
	INTEGER   XDest,;
	INTEGER   YDest,;
	INTEGER   nDestWidth,;
	INTEGER   nDestHeight,;
	INTEGER   nSrcWidth,;
	INTEGER   nSrcHeight,;
	INTEGER   lpBits,;
	STRING  @ lpBitsInfo,;
	INTEGER   iUsage,;
	INTEGER   dwRop


hdc [in] Handle to the destination device context.

XDest [in] Specifies the x-coordinate, in logical units, of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle.

YDest [in] Specifies the y-coordinate, in logical units, of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle.

nDestWidth [in] Specifies the width, in logical units, of the destination rectangle.

nDestHeight [in] Specifies the height, in logical units, of the destination rectangle.

XSrc [in] Specifies the x-coordinate, in pixels, of the source rectangle in the DIB.

YSrc [in] Specifies the y-coordinate, in pixels, of the source rectangle in the DIB.

nSrcWidth [in] Specifies the width, in pixels, of the source rectangle in the DIB.

nSrcHeight [in] Specifies the height, in pixels, of the source rectangle in the DIB.

lpBits [in] Pointer to the DIB bits, which are stored as an array of bytes.

lpBitsInfo [in] Pointer to a BITMAPINFO structure that contains information about the DIB.

iUsage [in] Specifies whether the bmiColors member of the BITMAPINFO structure was provided and, if so, whether bmiColors contains explicit red, green, blue (RGB) values or indexes.

dwRop [in] Specifies how the source pixels, the destination device context"s current brush, and the destination pixels are to be combined to form the new image.

Return value:

If the function succeeds, the return value is the number of scan lines copied. If the function fails, the return value is GDI_ERROR (0xFFFF).