Group: IP Helper - Library: iphlpapi
Displaying all TCP connections for the local system
DWORD GetTcpTable(
PMIB_TCPTABLE pTcpTable, // buffer for the connection table
PDWORD pdwSize, // size of the buffer
BOOL bOrder // sort the table?
DECLARE INTEGER GetTcpTable IN iphlpapi;
STRING @pTcpTable,;
INTEGER @pdwSize,;
pTcpTable [out] Pointer to a buffer that receives the TCP connection table as a MIB_TCPTABLE structure.
pdwSize [in, out] On input, specifies the size of the buffer pointed to by the pTcpTable parameter.
bOrder [in] Specifies whether the connection table should be sorted.
If the function succeeds, the return value is NO_ERROR.
See also: GetTcp6Table.