Group: System Information - Library: kernel32
Retrieves the current size of the registry and the maximum size that the registry is allowed to attain on the system.
BOOL WINAPI GetSystemRegistryQuota(
__out_opt PDWORD pdwQuotaAllowed,
__out_opt PDWORD pdwQuotaUsed
DECLARE INTEGER GetSystemRegistryQuota IN kernel32;
LONG @pdwQuotaAllowed,;
LONG @pdwQuotaUsed
pdwQuotaAllowed [out, optional] A pointer to a variable that receives the maximum size that the registry is allowed to attain on this system, in bytes.
pdwQuotaUsed [out, optional] A pointer to a variable that receives the current size of the registry, in bytes.
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.