Group: File System - Library: kernel32
Enumerating Volumes and Volume Mounting Points (NTFS)
Basic Volume information
Disk in drive A:
Detecting changes in connections to removable drives (VFP9)
BOOL GetVolumeInformation(
LPCTSTR lpRootPathName, // root directory
LPTSTR lpVolumeNameBuffer, // volume name buffer
DWORD nVolumeNameSize, // length of name buffer
LPDWORD lpVolumeSerialNumber, // volume serial number
LPDWORD lpMaximumComponentLength, // maximum file name length
LPDWORD lpFileSystemFlags, // file system options
LPTSTR lpFileSystemNameBuffer, // file system name buffer
DWORD nFileSystemNameSize // length of file system name buffer
DECLARE SHORT GetVolumeInformation IN kernel32;
STRING lpRootPathName,;
STRING @ lpVolumeNameBuffer,;
INTEGER nVolumeNameSize,;
INTEGER @ lpVolumeSerialNumber,;
INTEGER @ lpMaximumComponentLength,;
INTEGER @ lpFlags,;
STRING @ lpFileSystemNameBuffer,;
INTEGER nFileSystemNameSize
lpRootPathName [in] Pointer to a string that contains the root directory of the volume to be described.
lpVolumeNameBuffer [out] Pointer to a buffer that receives the name of the specified volume.
nVolumeNameSize [in] Specifies the length, in TCHARs, of the volume name buffer.
lpVolumeSerialNumber [out] Pointer to a variable that receives the volume serial number.
lpMaximumComponentLength [out] Pointer to a variable that receives the maximum length, in TCHARs, of a file name component supported by the specified file system.
lpFileSystemFlags [out] Pointer to a variable that receives flags associated with the specified file system.
lpFileSystemNameBuffer [out] Pointer to a buffer that receives the name of the file system (such as FAT or NTFS).
nFileSystemNameSize [in] Specifies the length, in TCHARs, of the file system name buffer.
If all the requested information is retrieved, the return value is nonzero.
If you are attempting to obtain information about a floppy drive that does not have a floppy disk or a CD-ROM drive that does not have a compact disc, the system displays a message box asking the user to insert a floppy disk or a compact disc, respectively. To prevent the system from displaying this message box, call the function with SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS.
With this function you can check "no-disk" status of a floppy drive or CD-ROM drive, and long filenames support on a volume.