Group: Memory Management - Library: kernel32
Creating a folder
Retrieving local computer and user names
Retrieving System Error message strings
StrDup returns a pointer to the duplicate of a source VFP string
Using Common Controls: the Header Control
Retrieving the name of the default printer for the current user on the local computer (Win NT/XP)
GetFileOwner - Get the owner of an NTFS file
Pocket PC: base class
Encapsulating access to the Windows Services in a class
Reading security permissions for NTFS files and folders
HLOCAL LocalFree(
HLOCAL hMem //handle to local memory object
DECLARE INTEGER LocalFree IN kernel32;
hMem [in] Handle to the local memory object. This handle is returned by either the LocalAlloc or LocalReAlloc function.
If the function succeeds, the return value is NULL. If the function fails, the return value is equal to a handle to the local memory object.