Group: Simple MAPI - Library: mapi32
The MAPILogon function begins a Simple MAPI session, loading the default message store and address book providers.
Open and close a Simple MAPI Session
Sending email messages with Simple MAPI
How to read email messages using Simple MAPI
ULONG ulUIParam,
LPTSTR lpszProfileName,
LPTSTR lpszPassword,
FLAGS flFlags,
ULONG ulReserved,
LPLHANDLE lplhSession
STRING lpszProfileName,;
STRING lpszPassword,;
INTEGER flFlags,;
INTEGER ulReserved,;
INTEGER @lplhSession
ulUIParam [in] Parent window handle or zero, indicating that if a dialog box is displayed, it is application modal.
lpszProfileName [in] Pointer to a null-terminated profile name string, limited to 256 characters or less. This is the profile to use when logging on.
lpszPassword [in] Pointer to a null-terminated credential string, limited to 256 characters or less.
flFlags [in] Bitmask of option flags.
ulReserved Reserved; must be zero.
lplhSession [out] Simple MAPI session handle.
Returns SUCCESS_SUCCESS (0) in case if the call succeeded and a Simple MAPI session was established; or one of the predefined MAPI_E_* values otherwise.
In my testing this function used to change active directory to the one of the Outlook Express -- default MAPI provider on my computer.
MSDN: Determine that Simple MAPI is available by checking the [MAIL] section in the computer"s WIN.INI file for the MAPI entry. This entry will have a value of 1 if Simple MAPI is installed, or 0 if uninstalled.
Check example in this reference: Reading keys in the specified section of the Win.ini file -- this is how to test Simple MAPI availabliilty on the local computer.