Group: Windows Networking - Library: mpr
The WNetConnectionDialog function starts a general browsing dialog box for connecting to network resources. The function requires a handle to the owner window for the dialog box.
Starting a dialog box for connecting to network resources (mapping network drive)
DWORD WNetConnectionDialog(
HWND hwnd, // handle to window owning dialog box
DWORD dwType // resource type
DECLARE INTEGER WNetConnectionDialog IN mpr;
INTEGER hwnd,;
hwnd [in] Specifies a handle to the owner window for the dialog box.
dwType [in] Specifies the resource type to allow connections to.
If the function succeeds, the return value is NO_ERROR (0). If the user cancels the dialog box, the function returns 1.
Not much of input parameters this function accepts: nor a drive letter neither a network path.
See also: WNetDisconnectDialog, WNetConnectionDialog1.