Group: Remote Application Programming (RAPI) - Library: rapi
Pocket PC: custom RAPI class for operating with the Object Store Databases
CEOID CeCreateDatabase(
LPWSTR lpszName,
DWORD dwDbaseType,
WORD wNumSortOrder,
DECLARE INTEGER CeCreateDatabase IN rapi;
STRING lpszName,;
INTEGER dwDbaseType,;
SHORT wNumSortOrder,;
INTEGER rgSortSpecs
lpszName [in] Long pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name for the new database.
dwDbaseType [in] Specifies the type identifier for the database.
wNumSortOrder [in] Number of sort orders active in the database, with four being the maximum number.
rgSortSpecs [in] Pointer to an array of actual sort order descriptions.
The object identifier of the newly created database � not a handle to an open database � indicates success.
The name can have up to 32 characters, including the terminating null character.
See also: CeOpenDatabase, CeDeleteDatabase, CeWriteRecordProps and CeDeleteRecord functions.