Group: Remote Application Programming (RAPI) - Library: rapi
Pocket PC: custom RAPI class for operating with the Object Store Databases
HANDLE CeOpenDatabaseEx(
PCEGUID pceguid,
PCEOID poid,
LPWSTR lpszName,
CEPROPID propid,
DWORD dwFlags,
DECLARE CeOpenDatabase IN rapi;
INTEGER poid,;
STRING lpszName,;
INTEGER propid,;
INTEGER dwFlags,;
INTEGER hwndNotify
pceguid [in] Pointer to the CEGUID that contains the globally unique identifier of a mounted database.
poid [in] Pointer to the object identifier of the database to be opened.
lpszName [in] Long pointer to the null-terminated string that contains the name of the database to be opened. This is used along with pceguid to specify the database if the value pointed to by poid is 0.
propid [in] Property identifier of the primary sort key for the database.
dwFlags [in] Specifies an action flag.
pRequest [in] Pointer to a CENOTIFICATION structure that requests notifications be sent to an identified window.
A handle to the open database indicates success. INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE (-1) indicates failure.
An application must use the CeCloseHandle (RAPI) function to close the handle returned by the CeOpenDatabaseEx (RAPI) function.
Changes to Windows CE databases are committed after each individual call, not when opening and closing a database.