Group: Remote Application Programming (RAPI) - Library: rapi
Pocket PC: custom RAPI class for operating with files and folders on mobile device
DWORD CeSetFilePointer(
LONG lDistanceToMove,
PLONG lpDistanceToMoveHigh,
DWORD dwMoveMethod
DECLARE INTEGER CeSetFilePointer IN rapi;
LONG lDistanceToMove,;
LONG lpDistanceToMoveHigh,;
INTEGER dwMoveMethod
hFile [in] Handle to the file whose file pointer is to be moved.
lDistanceToMove [in] Low-order 32 bits of a signed value that specifies the number of bytes to move the file pointer.
lpDistanceToMoveHigh [in] Pointer to the high-order 32 bits of the signed 64-bit distance to move.
dwMoveMethod [in] Specifies the starting point for the file pointer move: bof, current, eof.
The low-order DWORD of the new file pointer indicates success and that lpDistanceToMoveHigh is NULL.