Group: Shell Functions - Library: shell32
Creating a unique filename based on existing filename
BOOL PathMakeUniqueName(
LPWSTR pszUniqueName,
UINT cchMax,
LPCWSTR pszTemplate,
LPCWSTR pszLongPlate,
DECLARE INTEGER PathMakeUniqueName IN shell32;
STRING @ pszUniqueName,;
INTEGER cchMax,;
STRING pszTemplate,;
STRING pszLongPlate,;
pszUniqueName [out] A buffer that receives a null-terminated Unicode string that contains the unique path name.
cchMax [in] The number of characters in the buffer pointed to by pszUniqueName.
pszTemplate [in] A null-terminated Unicode string that contains a template that is used to construct the unique name.
pszLongPlate [in] A null-terminated Unicode string that contains a template that is used to construct the unique name.
pszDir [in] A null-terminated string that contains the directory in which the new file resides.
Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
See also PathYetAnotherMakeUniqueName function.