Group: URL Monikers - Library: urlmon
Yet another modal dialog: now HTML-based
HRESULT CreateURLMonikerEx(
IMoniker *pMkCtx,
IMoniker **ppmk,
DWORD dwFlags
DECLARE INTEGER CreateURLMonikerEx IN urlmon;
INTEGER @ppmk,;
LONG dwFlags
pMkCtx A pointer to an IMoniker interface of the URL moniker to use as the base context when the szURL parameter is a partial URL string. The pMkCtx parameter can be NULL.
szURL A string value that contains the URL to be parsed.
ppmk A pointer to an IMoniker interface for the new URL moniker.
dwFlags A DWORD value that specifies which URL parser to use: URL_MK_LEGACY=0, URL_MK_UNIFORM=1
Returns S_OK (0) if successful, or an error value otherwise.
While URL Monitor can be created in VFP code, I am not sure yet if it has to be released and how without resorting to using external routines (IUnknown::Release).
See also: ShowHTMLDialog.