Group: Window Station and Desktop - Library: user32
Creates a new desktop, associates it with the current window station of the calling process, and assigns it to the calling thread.
How to prevent users from accessing the Windows Desktop and from switching to other applications
HDESK CreateDesktop(
LPCTSTR lpszDesktop,
LPCTSTR lpszDevice,
DWORD dwFlags,
ACCESS_MASK dwDesiredAccess,
DECLARE INTEGER CreateDesktop IN user32;
STRING lpszDesktop,;
INTEGER lpszDevice,;
INTEGER pDevmode,;
LONG dwFlags,;
INTEGER dwDesiredAccess,;
lpszDesktop [in] Pointer to a null-terminated string specifying the name of the desktop to be created. Desktop names are case-insensitive and may not contain backslash characters ().
lpszDevice Reserved; must be NULL.
pDevmode Reserved; must be NULL.
dwFlags [in] This parameter can be 0 or 1.
dwDesiredAccess [in] Access to the desktop.
lpsa [in] Pointer to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure; can be NULL.
If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the newly created desktop.
If the specified desktop already exists, the function succeeds and returns a handle to the existing desktop. When you are finished using the handle, call the CloseDesktop function to close it.
See also: CloseDesktop, SwitchDesktop.