Group: Window - Library: user32
Creates an overlapped, pop-up, or child window with an extended window style; otherwise, this function is identical to the CreateWindow function
Creating a window using CreateWindowEx function
Placing a button on the VFP form as a new child window
Splash Screen for the VFP application
Using Common Controls: the Header Control
Placing On-screen Alert on top of all windows
How to make a VFP form fading out when released (GDI+ version)
How to make a VFP form fading out when released (GDI version)
Displaying hypertext links with the SysLink control (VFP9, Comctl32.dll)
Using Month Calendar Control (VFP9, Comctl32.dll)
Displaying dimmed window behind VFP top-level form
HWND CreateWindowEx(
DWORD dwExStyle, // extended window style
LPCTSTR lpClassName, // registered class name
LPCTSTR lpWindowName, // window name
DWORD dwStyle, // window style
int x, // horizontal position of window
int y, // vertical position of window
int nWidth, // window width
int nHeight, // window height
HWND hWndParent, // handle to parent or owner window
HMENU hMenu, // menu handle or child identifier
HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle to application instance
LPVOID lpParam // window-creation data
DECLARE INTEGER CreateWindowEx IN user32;
INTEGER dwExStyle,;
STRING lpClassName,;
STRING lpWindowName,;
INTEGER dwStyle,;
INTEGER nWidth,;
INTEGER nHeight,;
INTEGER hWndParent,;
INTEGER hInstance,;
dwExStyle [in] Specifies the extended window style of the window being created
lpClassName [in] Pointer to a null-terminated string or a class atom created by a previous call to the RegisterClass or RegisterClassEx function
lpWindowName [in] Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the window name
dwStyle [in] Specifies the style of the window being created
x, y [in] Specifies the initial position of the window
nWidth, nHeight [in] Specifies the width and the height, in device units, of the window
hWndParent [in] Handle to the parent or owner window of the window being created
hMenu [in] Handle to a menu, or specifies a child-window identifier, depending on the window style
hInstance [in] Handle to the instance of the module to be associated with the window
lpParam [in] Pointer to a value to be passed to the window
If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the new window
Through this function you can get a valid HWND and HDC (device context) values, which give you a great control over the created window. Comparing to this the windows, which you can create using the native DEFINE WINDOW, are "windowless"