Group: Clipboard - Library: user32
The EnumClipboardFormats function lets you enumerate the data formats that are currently available on the clipboard
Enumerating data formats currently available on the clipboard
GDI+: copying to the Clipboard (a) image of active FoxPro window/form, (b) image file
Monitoring clipboard content changes (VFP9)
UINT EnumClipboardFormats(
UINT format // available clipboard format
DECLARE INTEGER EnumClipboardFormats IN user32;
format Specifies a clipboard format that is known to be available
If the function succeeds, the return value is the clipboard format that follows the specified format
Except this one, most Enum functions -- like EnumFonts, EnumPrinters etc. -- can not be implemented in VFP. At least I don"t know how to pass a reference to a enumerating procedure