Group: Clipboard - Library: user32
The GetClipboardData function retrieves data from the clipboard in a specified format. The clipboard must have been opened previously.
Enumerating data formats currently available on the clipboard
Storing content of the Clipboard to a bitmap file
Getting a bit more than the _CLIPTEXT offers
Converting Unicode data from the Clipboard to a character string using a given code page
Passing data records between VFP applications via the Clipboard
GDI+: copying to the Clipboard (a) image of active FoxPro window/form, (b) image file
GDI+: Storing content of the Clipboard to a bitmap file
HANDLE GetClipboardData(
UINT uFormat // clipboard format
DECLARE INTEGER GetClipboardData IN user32;
uFormat [in] Specifies a clipboard format.
If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle to a clipboard object in the specified format, otherwise it is NULL.
An application can enumerate the available formats in advance by using the EnumClipboardFormats function.