Group: Window - Library: user32
The GetDesktopWindow function returns the handle of the Windows desktop window. The desktop window covers the entire screen. The desktop window is the area on top of which all icons and other windows are painted
Listing child windows for the Windows desktop
Scanning a hierarchy of child windows down from the Windows Desktop
Simple Window Viewer
Retrieving geometrical parameters of the system desktop window
Confining Windows calculator inside the VFP main window
Running a regular FoxPro form while main VFP window is minimized
Obtaining some properties for the Windows desktop using the GetWindowPlacement function
The window and its ancestors
Using the IsWindowEnabled function
How to put a horizontal text scrolling on the form (a news line, marquee)
How to put a vertical text scrolling on the form (a movie cast)
Displaying animated images on FoxPro form with BitBlt and StretchBlt functions
Printing text with the Escape function
How to change display settings: screen resolution, screen refresh rate
Subclassing CommandButton control to create BackColor property
Vertical Label control
Custom GDI+ class
How to position the GETPRINTER() dialog
How to control Adobe Reader 9.0 (SDI mode) from VFP application
Displaying dimmed window behind VFP top-level form
HWND GetDesktopWindow(VOID)
DECLARE INTEGER GetDesktopWindow IN user32
This function has no parameters
The return value is the handle of the desktop window