Group: Keyboard Input - Library: user32
The GetKeyState function retrieves the status of the specified virtual key. The status specifies whether the key is up, down, or toggled (on, off—alternating each time the key is pressed).
Reading the state of mouse buttons within DO WHILE loop
SHORT GetKeyState(
int nVirtKey
DECLARE INTEGER GetKeyState IN user32;
nVirtKey [in] Specifies a virtual key.
If the desired virtual key is a letter or digit (A through Z, a through z, or 0 through 9), nVirtKey must be set to the ASCII value of that character. For other keys, it must be a virtual-key code.
The return value specifies the status of the specified virtual key.
The key status returned from this function changes as a thread reads key messages from its message queue. The status does not reflect the interrupt-level state associated with the hardware. Use the GetAsyncKeyState function to retrieve that information.
To retrieve state information for all the virtual keys, use the GetKeyboardState function.