Group: Mouse Input - Library: user32
GDI+: Implementing image scrolling with inertia
int WINAPI GetMouseMovePointsEx(
_In_ UINT cbSize,
_In_ int nBufPoints,
_In_ DWORD resolution
DECLARE INTEGER GetMouseMovePointsEx IN user32;
INTEGER cbSize,;
STRING @lppt,;
STRING @lpptBuf,;
INTEGER nBufPoints,;
INTEGER resolution
cbSize [in] The size, in bytes, of the MOUSEMOVEPOINT structure.
lppt [in] A pointer to a MOUSEMOVEPOINT structure containing valid mouse coordinates (in screen coordinates). It may also contain a time stamp.
lpptBuf [out] A pointer to a buffer that will receive the points. It should be at least cbSize* nBufPoints in size.
nBufPoints [in] The number of points to be retrieved (up to 64).
resolution [in] The resolution desired: GMMP_USE_DISPLAY_POINTS (1), GMMP_USE_HIGH_RESOLUTION_POINTS (2)
If the function succeeds, the return value is the number of points in the buffer.
See also: GetCursorPos, GetTickCount.