Group: Painting and Drawing - Library: user32
Note that this document contains some links to the old news2news website which does not work at the moment. This material will be available sometime in the future.
The GetWindowDC function retrieves the device context (DC) for the entire window, including title bar, menus, and scroll bars
Printing text on the main VFP window
Placing an arbitrary rectangular area of main VFP window on the Clipboard
How to copy the image of a form to the Clipboard using Bitmap API functions
Using FrameRgn for displaying system colors
Creating a clipping region from the path selected into the device context of a form
How to print FoxPro form
Storing screen shot of a form to bitmap file
Storing content of the Clipboard to a bitmap file
Drawing icons associated with the VFP main window
Drawing cursors for the classes defined by the system (preregistered): BUTTON, EDIT, LISTBOX etc.
Using the LoadImage function to have a bitmap file loaded and displayed on VFP main window
How to print a bitmap file
Obtaining the bounding rectangle for the specified device context
Drawing a window caption using the DrawCaption routine
Drawing Windows predefined bitmaps using the LoadBitmap functions
Drawing Windows frame controls using the DrawFrameControl function
Drawing a rectangle using Windows regular edges and borders
Displaying bitmap using the AlphaBlend function
Splash Screen for the VFP application
Bitmap Class for Visual FoxPro application
Using the DrawText function
Using Font and Text functions
Reading metrics for the currently selected font
How to put a horizontal text scrolling on the form (a news line, marquee)
Using the GradientFill function
How to put a vertical text scrolling on the form (a movie cast)
Displaying animated images on FoxPro form with BitBlt and StretchBlt functions
Printing text with the Escape function
Subclassing CommandButton control to create BackColor property
Vertical Label control
Storing screen shot of a form to enhanced metafile (*.emf)
How to display picture stored in enhanced-format metafile (*.emf)
Copying picture of the active form to the Clipboard using Enhanced Metafile API functions
How to print picture stored in enhanced-format metafile (*.emf)
How to print FoxPro form -- II
Form Magnifier
How to play AVI file on the _screen
How to change the name and the size of the font in the MessageBox dialog
GDI+: saving image of FoxPro form to graphics file (BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIF)
GDI+: sending image of FoxPro form to printer
GDI+: copying to the Clipboard (a) image of active FoxPro window/form, (b) image file
GDI+: how to make VFP controls visually shake and shudder
How to make a VFP form fading out when released (GDI+ version)
How to make a VFP form fading out when released (GDI version)
Displaying the associated icons and descriptions for files and folders
GDI+: Scrolling through large image using the mouse
GDI+: Creating thumbnails to preview images in a directory
How to find which fonts Windows uses for drawing captions, menus and message boxes
GDI+: Implementing image scrolling with inertia
HDC GetWindowDC(
HWND hWnd // handle of window
hWnd Identifies the window with a device context that is to be retrieved
If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle of a device context for the specified window
See also: GetDC, WindowFromDC, ReleaseDC, DeleteDC.