Group: Window - Library: user32
Listing child windows for the Windows desktop
Scanning a hierarchy of child windows down from the Windows Desktop
Comparing dimensions of the VFP main window with _SCREEN properties
GetFocus returns a HWND value
How to copy the image of a form to the Clipboard using Bitmap API functions
Retrieving geometrical parameters of the system desktop window
How to create transparent areas inside a form -- punching holes in the form
An alternative way of setting Form.Closable to False
How to print FoxPro form
Storing screen shot of a form to bitmap file
Retrieving top-child window for the VFP form
Storing screen shot of a form to enhanced metafile (*.emf)
Copying picture of the active form to the Clipboard using Enhanced Metafile API functions
How to print FoxPro form -- II
GDI+: saving image of FoxPro form to graphics file (BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIF)
GDI+: sending image of FoxPro form to printer
GDI+: copying to the Clipboard (a) image of active FoxPro window/form, (b) image file
How to make a VFP form fading out when released (GDI+ version)
How to make a VFP form fading out when released (GDI version)
BOOL GetWindowRect(
HWND hWnd, // handle to window
LPRECT lpRect // window coordinates
DECLARE INTEGER GetWindowRect IN user32;
INTEGER hWindow,;
STRING @lpRect
hWnd [in] Handle to the window.
lpRect [out] Pointer to a RECT structure that receives the screen coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of the window.
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
See also: GetClientRect, ScreenToClient, SetWindowPos.