Group: Clipboard - Library: user32
Placing an arbitrary rectangular area of main VFP window on the Clipboard
How to copy the image of a form to the Clipboard using Bitmap API functions
Bitmap Class for Visual FoxPro application
Passing data records between VFP applications via the Clipboard
Copying picture of the active form to the Clipboard using Enhanced Metafile API functions
GDI+: copying to the Clipboard (a) image of active FoxPro window/form, (b) image file
HANDLE SetClipboardData(
UINT uFormat, // clipboard format
HANDLE hData // data handle
DECLARE INTEGER SetClipboardData IN user32;
INTEGER wFormat,;
uFormat Specifies a clipboard format
hData Identifies the data in the specified format
If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle of the data