Group: Windows Sockets 2 (Winsock) - Library: ws2_32
The inet_ntoa function converts an (Ipv4) Internet network address into a string in Internet standard dotted format.
How to build UDP responder
Winsock: retrieving information from a host database for a given host name
Winsock: changing the byte ordering
Retrieving the IP-to-physical address mapping table
Retrieving the interface–to–IP address mapping table
Retrieving the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) listener table
Winsock: retrieving Web pages using sockets (HTTP, port 80)
Winsock: sending email messages (SMTP, port 25)
Winsock: retrieving directory listing from an FTP server using passive data connection (FTP, port 21)
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Winsock: connecting to a news server (NNTP, port 119)
How to create non-blocking Winsock server
How to ping a remote site using ICMP API calls
char FAR * inet_ntoa(
struct in_addr in
DECLARE STRING inet_ntoa IN ws2_32;
INTEGER in_addr
in [in] Pointer to an in_addr structure that represents an Internet host address.
If no error occurs, inet_ntoa returns a character pointer to a static buffer containing the text address in standard "."" notation. Otherwise, it returns NULL.