Group: Windows Sockets 2 (Winsock) - Library: ws2_32
int sendto(
const char* buf,
int len,
int flags,
const struct sockaddr* to,
int tolen
DECLARE INTEGER sendto IN ws2_32;
STRING @buf,;
INTEGER buflen,;
INTEGER wsflags,;
STRING @sendto,;
s [in] Descriptor identifying a (possibly connected) socket.
buf [in] Buffer containing the data to be transmitted.
len [in] Length of the data in buf, in bytes.
flags [in] Indicator specifying the way in which the call is made.
to [in] Optional pointer to a sockaddr structure that contains the address of the target socket. tolen [in] Size of the address in to, in bytes.
If no error occurs, sendto returns the total number of bytes sent, which can be less than the number indicated by len. Otherwise, a value of SOCKET_ERROR is returned, and a specific error code can be retrieved by calling WSAGetLastError.
The sendto function is normally used on a connectionless socket to send a datagram to a specific peer socket identified by the to parameter. Even if the connectionless socket has been previously connected to a specific address, the to parameter overrides the destination address for that particular datagram only.
On a connection-oriented socket, the to and tolen parameters are ignored, making sendto equivalent to send.