- Nx12 ISDN Card and Terminal Adapter to go full digital on phone lines
- Second StudioEngine in Tower, use for remote broadcast/power down in Curtis broadcast and for Studio B broadcast with touch screen and Axia's virtual console software
- Get a smaller control module for Studio A (same one in Studio C) that will gain 2 additional faders
- Print out RF report and transmitter report: replace Radiation exposure signage
- Water Filter Thing
- New website (in progress, Alex Golin)
- DJ portal
- VM ZFS Snapshots
- New B Terminal (?)
- Water bubbler w/ plumbing
- New B rack equipment (500 series, compression, etc)
- Headphone monitor solution for Dee
- Remote Broadcast Headset
- Replace radiation explosure signage
- Silence detection and automatic failover
- Add OTT IDs to Rivendell - Edward
- Talk to Tom at Spinitron about cleaning up autocomplete DB
- Document donations website and donations drive best practices