For those who do not yet know it, SASS is an implosion of the css language that adds potential and new functions that would otherwise be impossible with the normal css language. The use of scss is very simple to learn (for those who already know the basic language) and at the same time fun and full of possibilities.
Sass is a compiled language, so to be able to use it is therefore necessary to install one of the following compilers for Win, Linux or Mac:
(Personally I used Koala on Windows platforms and Scout-App on Unix platforms)
Complete List and Command Line Install Here:
Sass is a simple and intuitive language, you can learn in a short time...
here you find the basics of language:
and here the complete documentation:
Using Sass is very simple:
1 Create your code and save it with the .scss extension
2 Open the SASS Compiler and select the file you created
3 Compile the file (once compiled the .css file and the file will be created)
4 Enjoy your code!
(be sure to insert the .html file and the .scss file in the same folder)
Using the grid is very simple ...
Just download the +++SASS-Grid+++ folder and open the style.scss file with your favorite text editor.
The first part of the code sets 242 hexadecimal colors as variables and assigns to each color a name consisting of one or two letters (a, b, c, A, aa, ab, ba etc.), this is the complete list:
'a' :#FFFFFF,
'b': #000000,
'c': #FFE1DC,
'd': #FFC0B6,
'e': #FF9F9F,
'f': #FF8080,
'g': #FF4040,
'h': #FF1F35,
'i': #E01F25,
'j': #C20000,
'k': #A00000,
'l': #600000,
'm': #400000,
'n': #200000,
'o': #D0B1A1,
'p': #7F604F,
'q': #FFEFCE,
'r': #FFE1B0,
's': #FFC281,
't': #FF9F71,
'u': #FF8141,
'v': #FF421E,
'w': #FF1F10,
'x': #E12000,
'y': #FF0000,
'z': transparent,
'A': #E10000,
'B': #C21212,
'C': #A11F12,
'D': #622100,
'E': #E0A175,
'F': #A16252,
'G': #FFFFC2,
'H': #FFFF80,
'I': #FFFF35,
'J': #FFFF00,
'K': #FFE118,
'L': #FFBF18,
'M': #FF8100,
'O': #E26200,
'P': #BF4100,
'Q': #A13F00,
'R': #824200,
'S': #604200,
'T': #412000,
'U': #D2B06A,
'V': #806210,
'W': #FFFFD0,
'X': #F1F1B4,
'Y': #F1F180,
'Z': #E0E074,
'aa': #E1E140,
'ab': #E1E100,
'ac': #BFBF00,
'ad': #A1A100,
'ae': #808000,
'af': #626200,
'ag': #424200,
'ah': #212100,
'ai': #101000,
'aj': #C0C27C,
'ak': #82823F,
'al': #E0FFBF,
'am': #C2FF91,
'an': #80FF80,
'ao': #41FF32,
'ap': #00FF00,
'aq': #00E100,
'ar': #00C200,
'as': #00A000,
'at': #008000,
'au': #006000,
'av': #004200,
'aw': #002100,
'ax': #001000,
'ay': #82C168,
'az': #3F621F,
'ba': #E0FFDF,
'bb': #C1FFD5,
'bc': #82FFCA,
'bd': #42FFC7,
'be': #00FFB2,
'bf': #00E1AD,
'bg': #00C196,
'bh': #009F82,
'bi': #008250,
'bj': #00603C,
'bk': #004023,
'bl': #00201F,
'bm': #00120C,
'bn': #81C097,
'bo': #3C613E,
'bp': #E0FFFF,
'bq': #C1FFFF,
'br': #80FFFF,
'bs': #42FFFF,
'bt': #00FFFF,
'bu': #00E0E0,
'bv': #00C1C2,
'bw': #008080,
'bx': #006062,
'by': #004041,
'bz': #00323F,
'ca': #002041,
'cb': #00121F,
'cc': #7FC2BC,
'cd': #37605E,
'ce': #C2EFFF,
'cf': #A1E2FF,
'cg': #82E0FF,
'ch': #00C0FF,
'ci': #00A0E0,
'cj': #0080C0,
'ck': #4181C0,
'cl': #0060A0,
'cm': #004080,
'cn': #002F80,
'co': #002060,
'cp': #00204F,
'cq': #001040,
'cr': #71B2CF,
'cs': #104160,
'ct': #E0F1FF,
'cu': #C0E1FF,
'cv': #82C0FF,
'cw': #5291EF,
'cx': #2181FF,
'cy': #0080FF,
'cz': #0062E1,
'da': #0041C2,
'db': #001FE2,
'dc': #0000FF,
'dd': #0020C2,
'de': #0000E0,
'df': #0000C2,
'dg': #B1B1D2,
'dh': #424282,
'di': #E0E0FF,
'dj': #BFBFFF,
'dk': #9F9FFF,
'dl': #8080FF,
'dm': #6181FF,
'dn': #4181FF,
'do': #4141FF,
'dp': #0021BF,
'dq': #4040C2,
'dr': #2020A0,
'ds': #2222C0,
'dt': #0000A1,
'du': #0000AF,
'dv': #9F9FE0,
'dw': #6260A1,
'dx': #E8E0FF,
'dy': #D2BFFF,
'dz': #C29FFF,
'ea': #C082FF,
'eb': #A160FF,
'ec': #8242FF,
'ed': #4200FF,
'ee': #4100C2,
'ef': #4000A2,
'eg': #2200A1,
'eh': #000080,
'ei': #000061,
'ej': #00004F,
'ek': #C0A1E0,
'el': #624181,
'em': #F1E0FF,
'en': #E1BFFF,
'eo': #E29FFF,
'ep': #E081FF,
'eq': #C062FF,
'er': #C140FF,
'es': #C200FF,
'et': #8100FF,
'eu': #6000A1,
'ev': #400080,
'ew': #1F007F,
'ex': #1F0062,
'ey': #000040,
'ez': #E29FDE,
'fa': #603181,
'fb': #FFE0FF,
'fc': #FFC1FD,
'fd': #FF9FFF,
'fe': #FF7FFF,
'ff': #FF5FFF,
'fg': #FF42F9,
'fh': #FF22FF,
'fi': #FF00FF,
'fj': #E000E0,
'fk': #A1009F,
'fl': #800080,
'fm': #40005F,
'fn': #200042,
'fo': #EF91EB,
'fp': #602162,
'fq': #FFE0F5,
'fr': #FFC0E4,
'fs': #FF9FCF,
'ft': #FF82C2,
'fu': #FF60AF,
'fv': #FF40A0,
'fw': #F52B97,
'fx': #FF0080,
'fy': #DF007F,
'fz': #C0007F,
'ga': #820040,
'gb': #620042,
'gc': #400040,
'gd': #E29FC8,
'ge': #622152,
'gf': #FFE0E6,
'gg': #FFC0CE,
'gh': #FF9FA9,
'gi': #FF82A0,
'gj': #FF6088,
'gk': #FF4070,
'gl': #FF2259,
'gm': #FF0041,
'gn': #C20041,
'go': #9F000F,
'gp': #800000,
'gq': #620012,
'gr': #410012,
'gs': #F18FBC,
'gt': #813F62,
'gu': #F7F7F7,
'gv': #EFEFEF,
'gw': #E1E1E1,
'gx': #D2D2D2,
'gy': #C0C0C0,
'gz': #FFFF80,
'ha': #B2B2B2,
'hb': #A2A2A2,
'hc': #8F8F8F,
'hd': #808080,
'he': #5F5F5F,
'hf': #4F4F4F,
'hg': #404040,
'hh': #2F2F2F,
The second part sets the size of individual pixels:
// Size $pixel-size: 20px !default;
So you can easily enlarge or shrink the pixels to fit any type of project ....
The third part instead represents the real matrix, and here where the magic is born ...
(a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b)
(b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a)
(a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b)
(b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a)
(a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b)
(b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a)
(a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b)
(b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a)
(a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b)
(b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a)
(a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b)
(b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a)
(a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b)
(b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a)
(a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b)
(b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a)
I have set a black and white 16 x 16 px (16 bit) matrix by default:
All you need to do is change the letters that represent the color variables in hexadecimal that you want to assign to the pixel,
allowing you to easily create works of original pixel art designed pixel by pixel.
To set another background color simply look for the "body" tag and change the hexadecimal value with the desired one...