#CSS Guidelines
- keep specificity as low as possible
- DON'T use ids!
- DON'T use important! unless it is really neccessary:
.hidden { display: none !important; }
##Syntax and formatting With proper syntax and formatting code will look nicer and more clean. Some basic rules are:
- one tab indent
- css is written in multiple lines
- empty line after ruleset
- use spaces
SCSS linter would warn us about those.
For SublimeText: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/SublimeLinter-contrib-scss-lint
Place .scss-lint.yml to the root of project or to the Home directory
// bad
background-color:green; color:red;
.foo {
color: red;
&:hover {
color: blue;
.baz {
color: green;
// good
.baz {
display: block;
background-color: green;
color: red;
// use of empty line
.foo {
color: red;
&:hover {
color: blue;
.baz {
color: green;
- max 3 levels, but 1 is ideal
- use primarily to simplify typing of component classes
.component-with-longer-name {
&-element {
&-header {
##Naming We are using component based class naming, similar to BEM. Use of this method will ensure, that specificity of our CSS would be low.
.component-descendant-descendant {} // basic structure
.component--modifier {} // for different variantions
.component.is-state {} // for different states
// bad
.nav {
.item {
a {
.featured-item {
.accordion {
.content {
.content.hidden {
// good
.nav {}
.nav-item {}
.nav-item--featured {}
.nav-item-link {}
.accordion {}
.accordion-content {}
.accordion-content.is-hidden {}
##CSS Attributes Divide into two groups:
- how it is positioned: position, float, z-index,...
- how it looks: font, border, color, background-color,...
This guidelines were influenced by many articles and discussions on the web. Another really good inspirations were 10up's Best Practices and Harry Robert's CSS Guidelines