#1008 Semi matching lines are not aligned vertically
#1013 Vertical shifting needed when some lines do not match
#1022 Sentence split into multiple lines
#1028 Compare Table Diff Pane
#1042 Add D syntax highlighting
#1051 Make the 'Match similar lines' option work for 3-way comparisons
#1055 Fix PHP syntax highlighting
#1057 Source Files Comparison doesn't seem to Work properly
#1093 Is the replacement filter not working
#1116 Colors - Differences - Word Difference Text color ignored
#1146 Filter specific subdirectories
#1160 WinMerge crashes with specific regex search
#1161 Is there a way to compare directory and zipped file
#1179 Filters enhancement
#1183 Generate Patch options (to remove line number)
#1199 Why do I get folders that are different but contain no files of interest
#1207 Compare files, ignore folder structure
#1209 Match similar lines breaks with Ignore whitespace change
#1234 Copy & Advance skips differences when moved block detection is on
#1236 Tar files are not recognized if not ending with the .tar extension
#1239 Exclude two dirs for compare
#1244 Compare line by line(from newbie)
#1253 csv data not recognized in table mode
#1266 Some enhancements that might be interesting useful
#1286 Relative and absolute paths in svg format are rendered as different images
#1291 Winmerge does bad job of handling python indents
#1316 Attempting to open files with the lit extension fails
#1319 Fix an issue where WinMerge crashes depending on the filename when generating a file compare report
#1320 Does not offer opening patch files
#1334 Copy left_right different behavior
#1335 Alt-Shift key highlighting issue not reetting start point from move
#1337 Select Show right unique items shows filtered directories
#1362 Line difference coloring in “Word-level” mode does not work correctly for Cyrillic-based languages
#1363 Crash on command line compare
#1365 Trying to compare two text files and need help
#1371 Discard comments from comparison handle python
#1376 Replace All doesn't work when Replace in Selection and the new string contains the old string
#1380 “Match case” in Search always enabled
#1387 replace text using regular expressions behaves incorrectly if multiple matches on the same line
#1402 Start compare at position > 0
#1405 Fix Character level option is always ignored
#1415 compare binary contents ignore filenames
#1435 Line filters don't ignore differences if comparing three folders
#1439 3-way compare does not completely ignore whitespace
#1440 Allow synchronization points to be set to non-existent lines plus other things
#1466 Fix an issue where filenames containing & are not displayed properly in the MDI tab bar and its tooltips
#1468 FR Command-line option to apply a specific pre-differ
#1556 Selection in Replace by regular expression doesn't work with n
#1575 WinMerge hangs for a certain regex search & replace action for clearing all lines not containing '%'
#1587 toUTF8 potentially buffer overflow
#1620 Line Filters does not work
#1696 3-way compare does not properly align identical lines when resolving conflicts, and show false highlights
#1740 Failure to indent lines properly
#1768 How to move a file alone, without its folder tree
#1769 Ignore single character differences
#1793 Opening a project fails when a path has environmental variables in it
#1816 Option Ignore case didnt work well
#1867 JSON Orderless compare mode
#2002 Substitution filters doesn't always apply during folder search
#2006 Compare file type within set of subfolders
#203 The last blank line is not ignored
#2032 Improve substitution filters
#2121 Files marked different - but actually are not
#2132 Unicode Normalization Issue in Folder Comparison (Files marked different - but actually are not)
#2138 how to replace string before doing a compare or how write my own scripts
#2163 How to compare 2 JSON files with the same content but in a different order
#2217 Creation of .bak files fails when the original filename starts with a dot
#2335 Incorrect work of substitution filters
#2422 Text replacement result is wrong
#2445 Cannot replace in selection
#252 Crash when generating patch for multiple files and a file only on one side
#2543 The height of the lines connecting moving blocks in the location pane may be incorrect
#2599 Compare - Text files different and case also different - bug when delete and copy
#264 Empty file won't be treated as different in folder diff view
#2640 Comparing whitespaces inside strings
#275 No parent folder icon
#279 copy selected text only - bug or feature
#320 Codepage not updated on refresh
#364 For some directories filter doesn't work
#395 Bug Line Filters aren't applied when using a 3rd file
#450 Ignore blank lines does not work in 3-way compare
#477 feature request info
#483 Sorting on Comparison Result being done incorectly
#510 Line by line comparison feature
#514 How to get the count of newly added, deleted items from two file
#544 A new feature Ignored Substitutions
#550 Ignore parts of the line
#557 Ignored Changes not all recognized
#643 Working with EOL (End Of Line)
#670 Why most of the necessary buttons are greyed out There's no way to accept [left to right] only [right to left] available
#679 IgnoreColumns plugin functional
#740 Highlight moved lines and working with colon-separated text
#768 Different Files are Identical
#796 Substitution filters not working in WinMerge v2.16.12.0
#83 Line filters in prediff
#874 file comparison does not work correctly
#881 Fixed Substitution Filters
#895 Refresh does not work when conflict file is changed
#914 Unicode SMP chars misrendered after performing a find
#998 Cannot resize last column with UI
#9999 Table compare wordwrap mode
osdn#39851 Diagonal lines connecting moving blocks are not displayed in the location pane
osdn#39913 Diagonal lines connecting moving bloc
osdn#39959 F4 key behavior in 3-panes
osdn#41440 vb syntax hightlight
osdn#41668 ignore spaces, ignore blank lines
osdn#45935 The command line section in the generated patch file is garbled
osdn#46082 Incorrect links to files with # in the file name in folder comparison report
sf.net#2094 Search and Replace unicode bugs when replacing ^
sf.net#2217 Compare results refresh incorrectly after deletions
sf.net#2238 WinMerge's diff algorithm routinely gets confused
sf.net#2243 Saved project does not recognise network folder, says path is invalid
Folders and files Name Name Last commit message
Last commit date
parent directory Aug 6, 2022
Aug 6, 2022
Aug 6, 2022
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