If you have OSX, you can run the git installation from this script and this configuration will be set for you.
Add the following lines to ~/.gitconfig
name = firstName lastName
email = yourEmail@wolox.com.ar
diff = auto
status = auto
branch = auto
interactive = auto
editor = vim
quotepath = false
co = checkout
ci = commit
st = status
br = branch
up = pull --rebase origin master
poh = push origin HEAD
fp = fetch -p
lg = log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative
gbr = branch -r
gac = commit -a -m
ac = "!git commit -a -m "
autocorrect = 10
[filter "lfs"]
clean = git-lfs clean %f
smudge = git-lfs smudge %f
required = true
diff = auto
status = auto
branch = auto
interactive = auto
ui = auto
default = matching
Run the following command from your terminal:
sudo apt-get install git bash-completion
- Install homebrew.
- Run from terminal:
brew install git bash-completion
- Add to
if [ -f `brew --prefix`/etc/bash_completion.d/git-completion.bash ]; then
. `brew --prefix`/etc/bash_completion.d/git-completion.bash
- Restart terminal.