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iOS Kickoff guide

This is a tutorial explaining how to kickoff an iOS project from scratch (some steps can't be followed without being granted access to certain services).

Before starting...

The following will be needed to start an iOS project kickoff process:

  • Have access to project's GitHub repository.
  • Make sure wolox-ci GitHub user has writing access to repository.
  • Have AmazonS3 credentials to configure CarthageCache.
  • Verify access to project's iOS devs email
  • Verify access to project's Trello or Jira board.
  • Verify access to project's Google Drive.
  • Have XCode and XCode Command Line Tools installed.
  • Have git and Homebrew installed.
  • Have rbenv installed.


The following steps will get your iOS project configured. Replace Project Name with your project name.

A little heads up: It's extremely important naming conventions, such as camel case notation and so on, are followed. I.e.: if BaseProject.xcodeproj should be renamed with our project name, then it should be ProjectName.xcodeproj. Always follow the naming pattern on the base project. Read this Convention guide to figure out what the Project Name should be. There can't be symbols like - in the new project's name or the renaming won't work.

Follow this guide sequentially, don't skip or mix steps.


Adding Base Project

First, clone the Base Project repository. The included project comes with a basic XCode configuration and includes the most useful/needed dependencies.

Also clone from GitHub the empty project repository for our new project.

Now we should fast copy everything but the .git file from base project to our project. Remember to change project-name-ios with our project folder name.

$ rsync -av --progress ios-base-project/. project-name-ios --exclude .git

Now create a branch for setup (call it something like project-initial-setup) and commit and push the changes.

Project Renaming

Open your XCode project and change its name from BaseProject to your own ProjectName following this tutorial.

After doing this you'll note that the ProjectName's Scheme hasn't been renamed. To do this, duplicate the actual scheme and rename it and only then delete the old scheme. While editing the scheme, tick the shared option so the project can be run on a CI environment. Here's a gif of the process:

rename scheme

Folders and groups should also be renamed. To do this you can use the rename script that is in the root of the project by running: ./rename and following the steps.

Build Scripts Configuration

Time to move on to install the build scripts that will bootstrap our project. To do this clone or download this repository.

Before doing anything check in a terminal the value for xcodebuild -version and the latest versions of SwiftLint and Carthage.

You can check them in SwiftLint releases and Carthage releases.

Now run ./install <your project directory> and follow the steps. Select the options you need for your project. If you are not sure you can use the default values the script provides (by pressing return when asked for a value) in almost all cases except for:

The name of your project.

When asked to create a .env file select y.

When the script asks for xCode, Swiftlint and Carthage versions use the values you searched for above.

Bootstrapping project

Bootstraping the project will install every necessary dependency to build the project.

This will configure CarthageCache locally and generate a .carthage_cache.yml file. Have your AWS credentials handy: you'll need the access key ID and secret access key from the account with access to the carthage-cache bucket. Configure us-west-2 as region. When done, you should see this message on the console:

ProjectName successfully bootstrapped

Useful scripts:

 * 'script/test' to run tests.
 * 'script/build' to build the project.
 * 'script/update' to update project's dependencies.

You can start hacking by executing:

   open ProjectName.xcodeproj

Include Fastlane

Move to the project's root folder and download the Fastlane content from the Fastlane repository by doing:

git clone --depth=1 fastlane

rm -rf fastlane/.git

This copies the fastlane-mobile repository into fastlane folder, and removes the .git directory.

Wrapping up

Make sure the project can be built and run it on the simulator (⌘ + R). You should see the following screen:

base project screenshot

If everything works, commit and push your changes.

Configure CI

To configure continuous integration follow the guide CI configuration for iOS projects

Configure Crash logger

The project integrates Rollbar as default crash logger.

In order to enable it, ask a technical leader to create a new group and a new iOS project in Rollbar.

Once created, sign in to Rollbar, and go to your project's "Settings" -> "Access Tokens".

Then copy into all the .xcconfig files the following content replacing with the tokens:

ROLLBAR_CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN = <token under "post_client_item">
ROLLBAR_SERVER_ACCESS_TOKEN = <token under "post_server_item">

Once the .xcconfig files are configured (make sure they are ignored, if they are shown as changes to be committed, then do git update-index --assume-unchanged ./BaseProject/ConfigurationFiles/* to ignore these changes) just uncomment the call to RollbarService().initialize() in AppDelegate.swift.

Configure GitHub

Protect Master

Disable "Squash & Merge"