XeroRuby::Accounting::Journal Properties Name Type Description Notes journal_id String Xero identifier [optional] journal_date Date Date the journal was posted [optional] journal_number Integer Xero generated journal number [optional] created_date_utc DateTime Created date UTC format [optional] reference String reference field for additional indetifying information [optional] source_id String The identifier for the source transaction (e.g. InvoiceID) [optional] source_type String The journal source type. The type of transaction that created the journal [optional] journal_lines Array<JournalLine> See JournalLines [optional] Code Sample require 'XeroRuby::Accounting' instance = XeroRuby::Accounting::Journal.new(journal_id: null, journal_date: null, journal_number: null, created_date_utc: /Date(1573755038314)/, reference: null, source_id: null, source_type: null, journal_lines: null)