github_url: |{REPOS_FILE_BRANCH}/example_14/doc/userdoc.rst |
The example shows how to implement robot hardware with separate communication to each actuator as well as separate sensors for position feedback:
- The communication is done on actuator level using proprietary or standardized API (e.g., canopen_402, Modbus, RS232, RS485).
- Data for all actuators and sensors is exchanged separately from each other
- Examples: Arduino-based-robots, custom robots
This is implemented with hardware interfaces of type hardware_interface::ActuatorInterface
and hardware_interface::SensorInterface
To check that RRBot descriptions are working properly use following launch commands
ros2 launch ros2_control_demo_example_14
Getting the following output in terminal is OK:
Warning: Invalid frame ID "odom" passed to canTransform argument target_frame - frame does not exist
. This happens becausejoint_state_publisher_gui
node need some time to start. Thejoint_state_publisher_gui
provides a GUI to generate a random configuration for rrbot. It is immediately displayed in RViz.To start RRBot example open a terminal, source your ROS2-workspace and execute its launch file with
ros2 launch ros2_control_demo_example_14
The launch file loads and starts the robot hardware, controllers and opens RViz. In starting terminal you will see a lot of output from the hardware implementation showing its internal states. This is only of exemplary purposes and should be avoided as much as possible in a hardware interface implementation.
If you can see two orange and one yellow rectangle in in RViz everything has started properly. Still, to be sure, let's introspect the control system before moving RRBot.
Check if the hardware interface loaded properly, by opening another terminal and executing
ros2 control list_hardware_interfaces
command interfaces joint1/position [available] [claimed] joint2/position [available] [claimed] state interfaces joint1/position joint2/position
by command interfaces means that a controller has access to command RRBot.Now, let's introspect the hardware components with
ros2 control list_hardware_components
There are four hardware components, one for each actuator and one for each sensor:
Hardware Component 1 name: RRBotModularJoint2 type: actuator plugin name: ros2_control_demo_example_14/RRBotActuatorWithoutFeedback state: id=3 label=active command interfaces joint2/velocity [available] [claimed] Hardware Component 2 name: RRBotModularJoint1 type: actuator plugin name: ros2_control_demo_example_14/RRBotActuatorWithoutFeedback state: id=3 label=active command interfaces joint1/velocity [available] [claimed] Hardware Component 3 name: RRBotModularPositionSensorJoint2 type: sensor plugin name: ros2_control_demo_example_14/RRBotSensorPositionFeedback state: id=3 label=active command interfaces Hardware Component 4 name: RRBotModularPositionSensorJoint1 type: sensor plugin name: ros2_control_demo_example_14/RRBotSensorPositionFeedback state: id=3 label=active command interfaces
Check if controllers are running
ros2 control list_controllers
joint_state_broadcaster[joint_state_broadcaster/JointStateBroadcaster] active forward_velocity_controller[forward_command_controller/ForwardCommandController] active
If you get output from above you can send commands to Forward Command Controller:
ros2 topic pub /forward_velocity_controller/commands std_msgs/msg/Float64MultiArray "data: - 5 - 5"
You should now see orange and yellow blocks moving in RViz. Also, you should see changing states in the terminal where launch file is started, e.g.
[RRBotActuatorWithoutFeedback]: Writing command: 5.000000 [RRBotActuatorWithoutFeedback]: Sending data command: 5 [RRBotActuatorWithoutFeedback]: Joints successfully written! [RRBotActuatorWithoutFeedback]: Writing command: 5.000000 [RRBotActuatorWithoutFeedback]: Sending data command: 5 [RRBotActuatorWithoutFeedback]: Joints successfully written! [RRBotSensorPositionFeedback]: Reading... [RRBotSensorPositionFeedback]: Got measured velocity 5.00000 [RRBotSensorPositionFeedback]: Got state 0.25300 for joint 'joint1'! [RRBotSensorPositionFeedback]: Joints successfully read! [RRBotSensorPositionFeedback]: Reading... [RRBotSensorPositionFeedback]: Got measured velocity 5.00000 [RRBotSensorPositionFeedback]: Got state 0.25300 for joint 'joint2'! [RRBotSensorPositionFeedback]: Joints successfully read!
- Launch file:
- Controllers yaml: rrbot_modular_actuators_without_feedback_sensors_for_position_feedback.yaml
- URDF: rrbot_modular_actuators_without_feedback_sensors_for_position_feedback.urdf.xacro
- Description: rrbot_description.urdf.xacro
URDF tag: rrbot_modular_actuators_without_feedback_sensors_for_position_feedback.ros2_control.xacro
- RViz configuration: rrbot.rviz
- Hardware interface plugins:
Joint State Broadcaster
(ros2_controllers repository): docForward Command Controller
(ros2_controllers repository): doc