This file is part of the
Minecraft mod Copyright (C) 2019 Dirk "YouDirk" LehmannThis program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
Here comes the answer to the question "How can I contribute to the YouDirk Numeric I/O Minecraft mod?" If you want to contribute some tutorials or instructions how to use the YouDirk Numeric I/O Minecraft mod then you can write it down in the
If you want to contribute some code, assets such like models, textures or sounds then read this document below.
This file contains the following sections:
I. | Guidelines |
II. | Recommended toolchain |
III. | Recommended workflow using Git |
Setting up a local repository for commit | |
Contributing session | |
Merging Upstream into Origin |
If it possible then prevent that lines of code are longer than 70 characters per line.
If you add a new file to the YouDirk Numeric I/O Minecraft mod then add the following license text if it is possible, depending on the file format
/* This file is part of the `youdirk_numeric_io` Minecraft mod
* Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
Take a look into the LICENSE file for more details.
Mod-Development on Linux is now officially supported. The most make
targets are working. Exceptions are the following targets
But the recommended way to test your code works fine. Use the targets
The setup for productive use of dedicated server does also work on Linux
It seems that there doesn't exist an official Minecraft Launcher for Linux. For that reason you must install the Forge-Jar and Mod-Jar manually to your productive Minecraft installation. Such as every other user :P ...
tested on system:
- Debian 10.0 (Buster), Kernel
Linux 4.19.0-5-amd64
- JDK: Oracle Java SE Development Kit
forLinux amd64
- necessary GLX Info
direct rendering: Yes glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation glx version string: 1.4 OpenGL renderer string: GeForce GTX 850M/PCIe/SSE2 OpenGL core profile version string: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 430.14 OpenGL core profile shading language version string: 4.60 NVIDIA
The current mostly used development environment is
- Windows 10 (x86_64)
- using
as POSIX compatiblebash
shell environment GNU make
to define build rules. To install run command in MSYS2 shell$> pacman -S msys/make
- all other dependencies will be checked automatically in
and outputs an error with an instruction what and how to install
#4 was not
fully written, here comes a short reference about the currently
implemented make
. You can run it using the command $> make <target>
# --- Necessary targets ---
all <default>: Runs CLASSES
classes: Compiles all Mod classes including Debug classes, nearly same as official Forge command `$> ./gradlew classes`
run_client: Runs a client in DebugMode. Same as official Forge command `$> ./gradlew runClient`
run_client_player2: Runs another client in DebugMode instance for multiplayer tests
run_client_player3: Runs a third client in DebugMode instance for multiplayer tests
run_client_player4: Runs a fourth client in DebugMode instance for multiplayer tests
run_server: Runs a dedicated server in DebugMode. Same as official Forge command `$> ./gradlew runServer`
run_server_nogui: Same as RUN_SERVER, but run in terminal/console mode instead of open a GUI
build: Same as official Forge command `$> ./gradlew build`
run_productive_client: (only Windows) Run MF_INSTALL_CLIENT, INSTALL_CLIENT and runs the official Minecraft Launcher, downloadable from
run_productive_server: (also Linux) Run MF_INSTALL_SERVER, INSTALL_SERVER and runs the productive Dedicated modded Forge Server installed in `PREFIX=/c/installdir`
run_productive_server_nogui: (also Linux) Same as RUN_PRODUCTIVE_SERVER, but run in terminal/console mode instead of open a GUI
run_productive_server_vanilla: (also Linux) Run MF_INSTALL_SERVER, INSTALL_SERVER and runs the productive Dedicated Vanilla Server installed in `PREFIX=/c/installdir`
run_productive_server_vanilla_nogui: (also Linux) Same as RUN_PRODUCTIVE_SERVER_VANILLA, but run in terminal/console mode instead of open a GUI
publish: Runs BUILD, copy Mod-Jar to maven repository and add Version-Data to website
jdk_version: Output JDK version which will be used. Useful if you have more than one installed on your system
# --- Removing temporary files ---
clean_run: Reset all Minecraft runtime-configuration which were set during RUN_CLIENT, RUN_SERVER
clean: Remove all temporay/cache files which were generated during work
clean_gradlecache: Clear the Gradle UserRepo cache. Useful if it is broken and needs to re-accesstransformed. If so, you get Missing-Symbol-Errors in injected files
# --- Documentation stuff ---
javadoc: Generate a Javadoc documentation for the Mod-API and open it in browser
mf_javadoc: Generate a Javadoc documentation for the Forge-API and open it in browser
clean_javadoc: Delete generated Mod-API documentation to enforce regeneration
mf_clean_javadoc: Delete generated Forge-API documentation to enforce regeneration
# --- Developing on Forge sources ---
mf_classes: Runs Java compiler and build all Forge classes
mf_publish: Build Forge Installer Jars, copy it to maven repository and add Version-Data to website
# --- Maintaining only ---
bootstrap: Runs FORGE followed by CONFIG_ALL
clean_all: Delete all files which are possible to re-generate. Also files which were commited to Git. Useful for maintaining and upgrade to a new Minecraft-Version and/or Forge-Version
# --- Website stuff ---
website_addtag: Same as WEBSITE_ADDTAG_NODEP, but check if Mod was PUBLISH before
website_addtag_nodep: Add a Tag of the current Mod-Version on website
website_rmtag: Same as WEBSITE_RMTAG_NODEP, but check if Mod was PUBLISH before
website_rmtag_nodep: Remove a Tag of the current Mod-Version from website
website_mf_addtag: Add a Tag of the current Forge-Version on website
website_mf_rmtag: Remove a Tag of the current Forge-Version from website
# --- Others ---
install_client: (only Windows) Run BUILD, MF_INSTALL_CLIENT and install the Mod-Jar to the official Minecraft Launcher, downloadable from
install_server: (also Linux) Run BUILD, MF_INSTALL_SERVER and install the Mod-Jar to the productive Dedicated Server installed in `PREFIX=/c/installdir`
mf_install_client: (only Windows) Compile Forge Installer Jar and install the Client part to official Minecraft Launcher, downloadable from
mf_install_server: (also Linux) Compile Forge Installer Jar and install a productive Dedicated Server to `PREFIX=/c/installdir`
config_all: Generate all config files which are generally needed for the whole project. Normally it will called automatically
forge: clone/checkout Git submodule `forge`, the latest official Minecraft Forge source for branch defined in
website_forge: Same as MF_PUBLISH, but a copy of the Forge Jars must be already available in maven repository
clean_bootstrap: Delete all files which were generated via BOOTSTRAP
clean_forge: Delete all files which were generated via FORGE
clean_resources: Delete all files in `src/*/resources` which were generated
mf_deinit: Deinit the Forge Git submodule `forge` which was generated via FORGE
website_mod: Same as PUBLISH, but a copy of the Mod-Jar must be already available in maven repository
# ****** Additional MAKE arguments ******
all classes run_client% run_server build:
(optional) ARGS=<gradlew arguments>
example $> make <target> ARGS=--stacktrace
runs `./gradlew --stacktrace <target>`
website_mf_addtag website_mf_rmtag website_addtag% website_rmtag%:
TAG=<the tag>
example $> make <target> TAG=unstable
mf_install_server install_server run_productive_server%:
PREFIX=<install dir>
example1 $> make <target> PREFIX=1
Installs to a default directory inside the project directory
example2 $> make <target> PREFIX="/c/Progam Files/installdir"
Installs to a `/c/Progam Files/installdir`
[... TODO]
[... TODO]
[... TODO]
[... TODO]