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I am a frist-year PhD student in the LIESMARS, Wuhan University. My advisors are Prof. Zhen Dong and Prof. Bisheng Yang. Previously, I obtained my B.Eng degree at SGG of Wuhan University.
My research interest lies in the field of 3D Computer Vision, particularly including point cloud completion, scene understanding. Besides, I am conducting some researches related to intelligent transportation systems (ITS). If you are interested in my research, feel free to contact me at [email protected]!
I am a member of WHU-USI3DV, please check advancements on point cloud processing including enhancement, registration, localization, segmentation, detection, etc.
- 2025.02: 🎉🎉 Our paper Cross-modal semantic transfer for point cloud semantic segmentation is accepted by ISPRS J!
- 2024.09: 🎉🎉 Our paper LaneMapping: A benchmark approach and dataset for large-scale lane mapping from MLS point clouds is accepted by JAG 2024!
- 2024.07: 🎉🎉 Our paper EGIINet: Explicitly Guided Information Interaction Network for Cross-modal Point Cloud Completion is accepted by ECCV 2024!
- 2024.05: 🎉🎉 Our paper SparseDC: Depth Completion From Sparse and Non-uniform Inputs is accepted by Informarion Fusion!
- 2022.11: 🎉🎉 Our paper KT-Net: Knowledge Transfer for Unpaired 3D Shape Completion is accepted by AAAI 2023!
* denotes equal contributions and † denotes the corresponding author.
- 2021, Outstanding Graduate of Wuhan University (Top 5%)
- 2020, Yong-Ling Chen Innovation & Learning Scholarship - First Class (Top 5%)
- 2018 $&$ 2019, National Scholarship for Postgraduates (Top 3%)
- 2024 - Now, LIESMARS, Wuhan University, Ph.D. in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
- 2021 - 2024, LIESMARS, Wuhan University, M.S.(Trans. to Ph.D.) in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
- 2017 - 2021, SGG, Wuhan University, B.S. in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing