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File metadata and controls

358 lines (267 loc) · 9.46 KB


A nifty local-first database with full-text and vector similarity search. Ideal for desktop apps and personal web apps.

OakDB is powered by SQLite (and sqlite-vec) and runs completely locally, with embeddings generated on-device using llama.cpp.


Note: OakDB is still a new software and not thoroughly tested. Caution is advised and feedback is encouraged!

Default (only NoSQL and full-text search)

pip install oakdb

With vector similarity search:

pip install "oakdb[vector]"

Note: Vector search is compatible with Python installations that support SQLite extensions. The recommended installation method is through Homebrew: brew install python


Default (only NoSQL and full-text search)

from oakdb import Oak

oak = Oak()
# Create your first Oak Base
ideas = oak.Base("ideas")

ideas.enable_search() # Optional. Enables full-text search

ideas.add("make a database")
ideas.add("build a rocket")
ideas.add("حواسيب ذاتية الطيران")

ideas.fetch() # Fetch all notes"rocket")

# Create/use another Base
things = oak.Base("things")

# Add multiple at once
    {"name": "pen", "price": 10},
    {"name": "notebook", "price": 5, "pages": 200},
    {"name": "calculator", "price": 100, "used": True},

# Provide filters
things.fetch({"price__gte": 5})
things.fetch({"price": 100, "used": True})

With vector similarity search

from oakdb import Oak

oak = Oak()
ideas = oak.Base("ideas")

# Read the installation section first
ideas.enable_vector() # Enables similarity search. Takes a few minutes the first time to download the model

ideas.add("make a database")
ideas.add("build a rocket")
ideas.add("حواسيب ذاتية الطيران")

ideas.similar("flying vehicles")
Using alternative embedding providers
  1. Install the required package:
pip install langchain-community
  1. Configure Oak with your preferred embedding provider:
from oakdb import Oak
from langchain_community.embeddings import FakeEmbeddings # import your provider

oak = Oak()

Important: don't mix up your embedding providers. Use one per Oak instance. Will add more flexibility later.


  • Add missing features and refine API
  • Add support for file storage and indexing
  • Support more backends like libsql, Cloudflare D1, etc.
  • Release JavaScript, browser, Go, and Rust versions.
  • Implement in C and/or create a SQLite extension.

API Reference

Note: Some parts of the API might change. Esp regarding error returns.

Oak Class

The primary entry point for creating and managing databases.


Oak(backend: Union[SQLiteBackend, str] = "./oak.db")
  • backend: Either a SQLiteBackend instance or a file path for the database
  • Default creates a SQLite database at "./oak.db"


Base(name: str) -> Base

Create or retrieve a named database instance.

  • name: Unique identifier for the database
  • Returns a Base instance

Base Class

Represents a specific database with various data operations.


Data Manipulation

add(data, key=None, *, override=False) -> AddResponse

Add a single item to the database. Returns an error if key already exists unless override=True

  • data: The data to store (dict, list, str, int, bool, float)
  • key: Optional custom key (auto-generated if not provided). A custom key can also be passed in the data dict using "key": "..."
  • override: Optional. Replace existing item if key exists
adds(items, *, override=False) -> AddsResponse

Add multiple items to the database. Returns an error if a key already exists unless override=True

  • items: List/tuple/set of items to add. Custom keys can also be passed in the items' dicts using "key": "..."
  • override: Optional. Replace existing items if keys exist
get(key) -> GetResponse

Retrieve an item by its key

  • key: types: str, int, float (they will be converted to to strings)
delete(key) -> DeleteResponse

Delete an item by its key

  • key: types: str, int, float (they will be converted to to strings)
deletes(keys) -> DeletesResponse

Delete multiple items by their keys

  • keys: a list of types: str, int, float (they will be converted to to strings)

Query Methods

fetch(filters=None, *, limit=1000, order="created__desc", page=1) -> ItemsResponse

Fetch items with advanced filtering and pagination

  • filters: Filtering criteria. Check [Query Language][#query-language] for filter syntax
  • limit: Maximum items per page
  • order: Sorting order. Options:
    • key__asc
    • key__desc
    • data__asc
    • data__desc
    • created__asc
    • created__desc
    • updated__asc
    • updated__desc
  • page: Page number for pagination.
search(query, *, filters=None, limit=10, page=1, order="rank__desc") -> ItemsResponse

Perform full-text search (requires search to be enabled)

  • query: Search text
  • filters: Optional additional filtering. Check [Query Language][#query-language] for filter syntax
  • limit: Maximum results
  • page: Pagination page number
  • order: Sorting order. Options:
    • rank__asc
    • rank__desc
    • key__asc
    • key__desc
    • data__asc
    • data__desc
    • created__asc
    • created__desc
    • updated__asc
    • updated__desc
similar(query, *, filters=None, limit=3, distance="cosine", order="distance__desc") -> ItemsResponse

Perform vector similarity search (requires vector search to be enabled)

  • query: Search vector/text
  • filters: Optional additional filtering. Check [Query Language][#query-language] for filter syntax
  • limit: Maximum results
  • distance: Distance metric ("L1", "L2", "cosine"). case-sensitive
  • order: Sorting order. Options:
    • distance__asc
    • distance__desc
    • key__asc
    • key__desc
    • data__asc
    • data__desc
    • created__asc
    • created__desc
    • updated__asc
    • updated__desc

Search and Vector Management

enable_search() -> str

Enable full-text search for the database

disable_search(erase_index=True) -> bool

Disable full-text search

enable_vector() -> str

Enable vector similarity search capabilities

disable_vector(erase_index=True) -> bool

Disable vector similarity search

drop(name, main_only=False) -> bool

Drop the entire database or main table

Query Language

OakDB supports a powerful, flexible query language for filtering and searching.

Basic Filtering

# Exact match
db.fetch({"score": 25})

# Multiple conditions (AND)
db.fetch({"score__gte": 18, "game": "Mario Kart"})

# Multiple conditions (OR)
db.fetch([{"score__gte": 18}, {"game": "Mario Kart"}])

# With full-text search"zelda", {"tag__in": ["rpg"]})

# With vector similarity search
db.similar("flying turtles", {"console": "3ds"})


Operator Description Example
eq Equal to {"score__eq": 25} or {"score": 25}
ne Not equal to {"score__ne": 25}
lt Less than {"score__lt": 30}
gt Greater than {"score__gt": 18}
lte Less than or equal {"score__lte": 25}
gte Greater than or equal {"score__gte": 18}
starts Starts with {"name__starts": "Nintendo"}
ends Ends with {"name__ends": "Switch"}
contains Contains substring {"description__contains": "Racing"}
!contains Does not contain substring {"description__!contains": "Adventure"}
range Between two values {"score__range": [18, 30]}
in In a list of values {"status__in": ["active", "pending"]}
!in Not in a list of values {"status__!in": ["active", "pending"]}

Column Queries

Use _ prefix for direct column queries:

db.fetch({"_created__gte": "2023-01-01"})

More examples

Basic Search with multiple (OR) Filters

# Multiple condition sets (OR)
    {"score__gte": 18, "game__contains": "Mario"},
    {"status": "active"}

Basic Search with Filters

# Search for products in a specific category
results ="laptop",
        "category": "electronics",
        "price__lte": 1000

Nested JSON Filtering

# Complex nested condition queries
results = db.fetch({
    "user.profile.age__gte": 21,
    "user.settings.notifications__eq": True,
    "user.addresses.0.city__contains": "Maputo"

Filters alongside similarity search

# Find similar documents or products
results = db.similar("data science trends",
        "year__gte": 2020,
        "tags__in": ["AI", "ML"],
        "region__ne": "restricted"

Database Management

Database Configuration and Maintenance

OakDB provides several methods to manage and configure your databases:

Enabling and Disabling Features

# Enable full-text search for a base

# Disable full-text search

# Enable vector similarity search

# Disable vector similarity search

Full-text search and vector search can be enabled at the same time.

Dropping Databases

# Drop entire database (requires confirming database name)