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+# ABUNAI: Architecture-Based UNcertainty-Aware confidentiality analysIs
+**ABUNAI** is a research approach for confidentiality analysis under uncertainty.
+Using software architectural modeling, we combine design time uncertainty impact analysis with data flow-based confidentiality analysis.
+This enables both precise and comprehensive statements about the confidentiality of software-intensive systems with respect to uncertainty in the system and its environment.
+The project's name is inspired by the Japanese word **ăăȘă (abunai)** which translates to dangerous, risky, or uncertain.
+The research project is headed by [Sebastian Hahner](https://dsis.kastel.kit.edu/staff_sebastian_hahner.php) at DSiS, KASTEL Institute, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
+More information can be found in these key publications:
+* S. Hahner, R. Heinrich, and R. Reussner, "Architecture based Uncertainty Impact Analysis to ensure Confidentiality", in 18th Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS), IEEE/ACM, 2023, accepted, to appear.
+* S. Hahner, S. Seifermann, R. Heinrich, and R. Reussner, "A Classification of Software-Architectural Uncertainty regarding Confidentiality", in International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE), Springer, 2023, accepted, to appear.
+* S. Hahner, et al., "Model-based Confidentiality Analysis under Uncertainty", in 2023 IEEE 20th International Conference on Software Architecture Companion (ICSA-C), IEEE, 2023, accepted, to appear.
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