There are a few different Nuvoton N76E003 development boards available online. This one was used for the test app:
N76E0003 dev board pinout:
G R C D V + 3 T R G
N S L A D 5 V X X N
D T K T D V 3 0 0 D
| | | | | | | | | |
---|11 P1.4 VDD 9 |--- VDD
---|12 P1.3 GND 7 |--- GND
PWM0 ---|13 P1.2 P1.5 10|---
PWM1 ---|14 P1.1 P1.6 8 |--- DAT [ICP]
PWM2 ---|15 P1.0 P1.7 7 |---
---|16 P0.0 P3.0 5 |---
---|17 P0.1 P2.0 2 |--- RST [ICP]
[ICP] CLK ---|18 P0.2 P0.7 3 |--- UART0 RX
---|19 P0.3 P0.6 2 |--- UART0 TX
MARK ---|20 P0.4 P0.5 1 |---
This example implements different CLI commands to test and play with PWM configuration of N76E003 chip.
By default it starts in phased
PWM mode which is implemented in SW by interrupts processing. In this mode it is not possible to set duty cycles for different channels, but instead PWM channels work in phased mode. PWM pulse witsh is defiend by PWM period
> help
VER: 2306.12 (6420 bytes)
div [1|2|4|8|16|32|64|128]
period [$u16]
type [edge|center]
pwm [start|stop]
duty $0-5 [$u16]
mask $0-5 [pwm|low|high]
polarity $0-5 [positive|negative]
gpmode [enable|disable]
inttype [fall|rise|center|end|period]
opmode [independent|complementary|synchronized|phased]
phases [$start $end]
shift [0-255]
Used code and data:
Name Start End Size Max Spare
---------------- ------ ------ ----- ----- -----------
REG BANKS 0x0000 0x000F 2 4 2
IDATA 0x0000 0x0055 86 256 170
STACK 0x0056 0x00FF 170 248 170
EXTERNAL RAM 0x0001 0x00c7 199 768 569 74.1% free
ROM/EPROM/FLASH 0x0000 0x1913 6420 18432 12012 65.2% free
Example uses Fsys to drive PWM, this commands sets Fsys divider, one of the following: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
Sets PWM counter period, 16 bits value.
Sets PWM generation type: edge or center.
For example, with the same period value, changing type from edge
to center
Yellow: PWM channel 0.
Green: interrupt type end
Start/stop PWM generator, or prints all current parameter:
> pwm
running div:16 period:999 type:center opmode:phased inttype:period group:disabled
channel 0 250 high
channel 1 500 low
channel 2 750 high
channel 3 0 low
channel 4 0 low
channel 5 0 low
Sets duty counter for a channel.
Sets channel's mode mask:
- pwm
- low
- high
Sets PWM signal polarity for the given channel:
- positive
- negative
Enables/disabled group mode for PWM channels.
Selects interrupt type:
- rise - rising edge of the channel 0 for
PWM type. - fall - falling edge of the channel 0 for
PWM type. - end - endpoint of the
period type. - center - center point of the
period type. - period - SW implemented type, interrupt toggles between
types. Works for bothedge
PWM types.
Rise interrupt:
Fall interrupt:
Period interrupt for edge
End interrupt:
Center interrupt:
Period interrupt for center
Select PWM operation mode:
- independent: all channels configured independent of each other
- complementary: PWM channels 0/2/4 are independent, but channels 1/3/5 are out-phase of 0/2/4
- synchronized: PWM channels 0/2/4 are independent, but channels 1/3/5 are in-phase of 0/2/4
- phased: SW will process PWM interrupts and sets outputs, so
does not work in this mode
Selects PWM channels for phased output. This interrupt driven SW mode. In this mode interrupt type will be set to period
and PWM outputs will be masked from low to high in rotation with shift
empty periods inserted. See examples below for the shift
In case if shift
is set to 0, channels will switch with some dead time in between:
Sets shift between channels in the phased mode in number of periods.
For example, if channels 0, 1 and 2 are in phased mode:
> shift 0
> shift 1
> shift 2