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Curve Methods

The following methods are available for creating, querying or manipulating curve and polycurve objects. A polycurve is a curve that is represented by a sequence of contiguous curve segments. Generally, polycurves are created by using the Join command.

Method Description
AddArc Adds an arc curve.
AddArc3Pt Add a 3 point arc curve.
AddCircle Adds a circle curve.
AddCircle3Pt Adds a 3 point circle curve.
AddCurve Adds a control points curve.
AddEllipse Adds an elliptical curve.
AddEllipse3Pt Adds a 3 point elliptical curve.
AddFilletCurve Adds a fillet between two curve objects.
AddInterpCrvOnSrf Adds an interpolated curve on a surface.
AddInterpCrvOnSrfUV Adds an interpolated curve on a surface using surface uv coordinates.
AddInterpCurve Adds an interpolated curve.
AddInterpCurveEx Adds an interpolated curve similar to the InterpCrv command.
AddLine Add a line curve.
AddNurbsCurve Adds a NURBS curve.
AddPolyline Adds a polyline curve.
AddSubCrv Adds a new curve based on a portion of an existing curve.
ArcAngle Return the angle of an arc curve.
ArcCenterPoint Returns the center point of an arc curve.
ArcMidPoint Returns the mid point of an arc curve.
ArcRadius Returns the radius of an arc curve.
CircleCenterPoint Returns the center point of an circle curve.
CircleCircumference Returns the circumference of a circle curve.
CircleRadius Returns the radius of a circle curve.
CloseCurve Closes an open curve object.
ClosedCurveOrientation Returns the orientation of a closed, planar curve.
ConvertCurveToPolyline Converts a curve to a polyline curve.
CurveArcLengthPoint Returns an arc length point on a curve.
CurveArea Returns the area of a closed planar curve.
CurveAreaCentroid Returns the area centroid of a closed planar curve.
CurveArrows Enables or disabled a curve object's annotation arrows.
CurveBooleanDifference Differences two closed planar curves.
CurveBooleanIntersection Intersects two closed, planar curves.
CurveBooleanUnion Unions two or more closed planar curves.
CurveBrepIntersect Calculate the intersection of a curve object and a brep object.
CurveClosestObject Returns the locations on two objects where they are closest to each other.
CurveClosestPoint Returns the parameter of the point on a curve that is closest to a test point.
CurveContourPoints Returns the points generated by contouring a curve object.
CurveCurvature Returns the curvature of a curve at a parameter.
CurveCurveIntersection Calculates the intersection of two curve objects.
CurveDegree Returns the degree of a curve.
CurveDeviation Returns the deviation between two curves.
CurveDim Returns the dimension of a curve.
CurveDirectionsMatch Compares the direction of two curve objects.
CurveDiscontinuity Tests a curve object for derivatitive, tangent, or curvature discontinuity.
CurveDomain Returns the domain of a curve.
CurveEditPoints Returns the edit, or Greville, points of a curve.
CurveEndPoint Returns the end point of a curve.
CurveEvaluate General purpose curve evaluator.
CurveFilletPoints Returns points at which to cut a pair of curves so that a fillet fits.
CurveFrame Returns a plane at a parameter.
CurveKnotCount Returns the knot count of a curve.
CurveKnots Returns the knots of a curve.
CurveLength Returns the length of a curve.
CurveMidPoint Returns the mid point of a curve object.
CurveNormal Returns the normal direction of a planar curve object.
CurveNormalizedParameter Converts a normalized curve parameter to a curve parameter.
CurveParameter Converts a curve parameter to a normalized curve parameter.
CurvePerpFrame Returns a perpendicular plane at a parameter.
CurvePlane Returns the plane in which a planar curve lies.
CurvePointCount Returns the control points count of a curve.
CurvePoints Returns the control points of a curve.
CurveRadius Returns the radius of curvature at a point on a curve.
CurveSeam Adjusts the seam point of a closed curve.
CurveStartPoint Returns the starting point of a curve.
CurveSurfaceIntersection Calculates the intersection of a curve object with a surface object.
CurveTangent Returns the tangent to a curve at a parameter.
CurveWeights Returns the weight values assigned to control points of a curve.
DivideCurve Divides a curve into segments.
DivideCurveEquidistant Divides a curve such that the linear distance between the points is equal.
DivideCurveLength Divides a curve into segments of a specified length.
EllipseCenterPoint Returns the center point of an ellipse curve.
EllipseQuadPoints Returns the quadrant points of an ellipse curve.
EvaluateCurve Evaluates a curve point at a parameter.
ExplodeCurves Explodes one or more curve objects.
ExtendCurve Extends a curve object until it intersects other objects.
ExtendCurveLength Extends a curve object for a specified distance.
ExtendCurvePoint Extends a curve to an end point.
FairCurve Fairs a curve object.
FitCurve Fits a new curve through an existing curve.
InsertCurveKnot Inserts a knot into a curve object.
IsArc Verifies an object is an arc curve.
IsCircle Verifies an object is an circle curve.
IsCurve Verifies an object is a curve.
IsCurveClosable Verifies an open curve object is closable.
IsCurveClosed Verifies an object is a closed curve.
IsCurveInPlane Test a curve to see if it lies in a specific plane.
IsCurveLinear Verifies an object is a linear curve.
IsCurvePeriodic Verifies an object is a periodic curve.
IsCurvePlanar Verifies an object is a planar curve.
IsCurveRational Verifies an object is a rational NURBS curve.
IsEllipse Verifies an object is an ellipse curve.
IsLine Verifies an object is a line curve.
IsPointOnCurve Verifies a point is on a curve.
IsPolyCurve Verifies a curve is a polycurve.
IsPolyline Verifies an object is a polyline curve.
JoinCurves Joins two or more curve objects.
LineFitFromPoints Fits a line through an array of points.
MakeCurveNonPeriodic Makes a periodic curve non-periodic.
MakeCurvePeriodic Makes a curve object periodic.
MeshPolyline Creates a polygon mesh from a closed polyline.
OffsetCurve Offsets a curve.
OffsetCurveOnSurface Offsets a curve on a surface.
PlanarClosedCurveContainment Determines the relationship between the regions bounded by two coplanar simple closed curves.
PlanarCurveCollision Determines if two coplanar curves intersect.
PointInPlanarClosedCurve Determines if a point is inside of a closed curve, on a closed curve, or outside of a closed curve.
PolyCurveCount Returns the number of curve segments represented by a polycurve.
PolylineVertices Returns the vertices of a polyline curve.
ProjectCurveToMesh Projects one or more curves onto one or more meshes.
ProjectCurveToSurface Projects one or more curves onto one or more surfaces or polysurfaces.
RebuildCurve Rebuilds a curve to given point count.
RemoveCurveKnot Removes a knot from a curve.
ReverseCurve Reverses the direction of a curve object.
SimplifyCurve Simplifies a curve object.
SplitCurve Splits a curve.
TrimCurve Trims a curve.