The following methods are available for creating, querying or manipulating curve and polycurve objects. A polycurve is a curve that is represented by a sequence of contiguous curve segments. Generally, polycurves are created by using the Join command.
Method | Description |
AddArc | Adds an arc curve. |
AddArc3Pt | Add a 3 point arc curve. |
AddCircle | Adds a circle curve. |
AddCircle3Pt | Adds a 3 point circle curve. |
AddCurve | Adds a control points curve. |
AddEllipse | Adds an elliptical curve. |
AddEllipse3Pt | Adds a 3 point elliptical curve. |
AddFilletCurve | Adds a fillet between two curve objects. |
AddInterpCrvOnSrf | Adds an interpolated curve on a surface. |
AddInterpCrvOnSrfUV | Adds an interpolated curve on a surface using surface uv coordinates. |
AddInterpCurve | Adds an interpolated curve. |
AddInterpCurveEx | Adds an interpolated curve similar to the InterpCrv command. |
AddLine | Add a line curve. |
AddNurbsCurve | Adds a NURBS curve. |
AddPolyline | Adds a polyline curve. |
AddSubCrv | Adds a new curve based on a portion of an existing curve. |
ArcAngle | Return the angle of an arc curve. |
ArcCenterPoint | Returns the center point of an arc curve. |
ArcMidPoint | Returns the mid point of an arc curve. |
ArcRadius | Returns the radius of an arc curve. |
CircleCenterPoint | Returns the center point of an circle curve. |
CircleCircumference | Returns the circumference of a circle curve. |
CircleRadius | Returns the radius of a circle curve. |
CloseCurve | Closes an open curve object. |
ClosedCurveOrientation | Returns the orientation of a closed, planar curve. |
ConvertCurveToPolyline | Converts a curve to a polyline curve. |
CurveArcLengthPoint | Returns an arc length point on a curve. |
CurveArea | Returns the area of a closed planar curve. |
CurveAreaCentroid | Returns the area centroid of a closed planar curve. |
CurveArrows | Enables or disabled a curve object's annotation arrows. |
CurveBooleanDifference | Differences two closed planar curves. |
CurveBooleanIntersection | Intersects two closed, planar curves. |
CurveBooleanUnion | Unions two or more closed planar curves. |
CurveBrepIntersect | Calculate the intersection of a curve object and a brep object. |
CurveClosestObject | Returns the locations on two objects where they are closest to each other. |
CurveClosestPoint | Returns the parameter of the point on a curve that is closest to a test point. |
CurveContourPoints | Returns the points generated by contouring a curve object. |
CurveCurvature | Returns the curvature of a curve at a parameter. |
CurveCurveIntersection | Calculates the intersection of two curve objects. |
CurveDegree | Returns the degree of a curve. |
CurveDeviation | Returns the deviation between two curves. |
CurveDim | Returns the dimension of a curve. |
CurveDirectionsMatch | Compares the direction of two curve objects. |
CurveDiscontinuity | Tests a curve object for derivatitive, tangent, or curvature discontinuity. |
CurveDomain | Returns the domain of a curve. |
CurveEditPoints | Returns the edit, or Greville, points of a curve. |
CurveEndPoint | Returns the end point of a curve. |
CurveEvaluate | General purpose curve evaluator. |
CurveFilletPoints | Returns points at which to cut a pair of curves so that a fillet fits. |
CurveFrame | Returns a plane at a parameter. |
CurveKnotCount | Returns the knot count of a curve. |
CurveKnots | Returns the knots of a curve. |
CurveLength | Returns the length of a curve. |
CurveMidPoint | Returns the mid point of a curve object. |
CurveNormal | Returns the normal direction of a planar curve object. |
CurveNormalizedParameter | Converts a normalized curve parameter to a curve parameter. |
CurveParameter | Converts a curve parameter to a normalized curve parameter. |
CurvePerpFrame | Returns a perpendicular plane at a parameter. |
CurvePlane | Returns the plane in which a planar curve lies. |
CurvePointCount | Returns the control points count of a curve. |
CurvePoints | Returns the control points of a curve. |
CurveRadius | Returns the radius of curvature at a point on a curve. |
CurveSeam | Adjusts the seam point of a closed curve. |
CurveStartPoint | Returns the starting point of a curve. |
CurveSurfaceIntersection | Calculates the intersection of a curve object with a surface object. |
CurveTangent | Returns the tangent to a curve at a parameter. |
CurveWeights | Returns the weight values assigned to control points of a curve. |
DivideCurve | Divides a curve into segments. |
DivideCurveEquidistant | Divides a curve such that the linear distance between the points is equal. |
DivideCurveLength | Divides a curve into segments of a specified length. |
EllipseCenterPoint | Returns the center point of an ellipse curve. |
EllipseQuadPoints | Returns the quadrant points of an ellipse curve. |
EvaluateCurve | Evaluates a curve point at a parameter. |
ExplodeCurves | Explodes one or more curve objects. |
ExtendCurve | Extends a curve object until it intersects other objects. |
ExtendCurveLength | Extends a curve object for a specified distance. |
ExtendCurvePoint | Extends a curve to an end point. |
FairCurve | Fairs a curve object. |
FitCurve | Fits a new curve through an existing curve. |
InsertCurveKnot | Inserts a knot into a curve object. |
IsArc | Verifies an object is an arc curve. |
IsCircle | Verifies an object is an circle curve. |
IsCurve | Verifies an object is a curve. |
IsCurveClosable | Verifies an open curve object is closable. |
IsCurveClosed | Verifies an object is a closed curve. |
IsCurveInPlane | Test a curve to see if it lies in a specific plane. |
IsCurveLinear | Verifies an object is a linear curve. |
IsCurvePeriodic | Verifies an object is a periodic curve. |
IsCurvePlanar | Verifies an object is a planar curve. |
IsCurveRational | Verifies an object is a rational NURBS curve. |
IsEllipse | Verifies an object is an ellipse curve. |
IsLine | Verifies an object is a line curve. |
IsPointOnCurve | Verifies a point is on a curve. |
IsPolyCurve | Verifies a curve is a polycurve. |
IsPolyline | Verifies an object is a polyline curve. |
JoinCurves | Joins two or more curve objects. |
LineFitFromPoints | Fits a line through an array of points. |
MakeCurveNonPeriodic | Makes a periodic curve non-periodic. |
MakeCurvePeriodic | Makes a curve object periodic. |
MeshPolyline | Creates a polygon mesh from a closed polyline. |
OffsetCurve | Offsets a curve. |
OffsetCurveOnSurface | Offsets a curve on a surface. |
PlanarClosedCurveContainment | Determines the relationship between the regions bounded by two coplanar simple closed curves. |
PlanarCurveCollision | Determines if two coplanar curves intersect. |
PointInPlanarClosedCurve | Determines if a point is inside of a closed curve, on a closed curve, or outside of a closed curve. |
PolyCurveCount | Returns the number of curve segments represented by a polycurve. |
PolylineVertices | Returns the vertices of a polyline curve. |
ProjectCurveToMesh | Projects one or more curves onto one or more meshes. |
ProjectCurveToSurface | Projects one or more curves onto one or more surfaces or polysurfaces. |
RebuildCurve | Rebuilds a curve to given point count. |
RemoveCurveKnot | Removes a knot from a curve. |
ReverseCurve | Reverses the direction of a curve object. |
SimplifyCurve | Simplifies a curve object. |
SplitCurve | Splits a curve. |
TrimCurve | Trims a curve. |