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Releases: activeloopai/deeplake

Hub is in Beta!

08 Jul 13:25
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What's New

  • Hub core was redesigned to enable blazing-fast dataset creation. You can create a Hub dataset faster than copy/pasting files on your local machine


  • Super simple API
  • Easy creation of datasets and hosting on Activellop Storage or S3
  • Rapid dataset streaming to any machine
  • Simple dataset integration to pytorch with no boilerplate code (Windows support will be added in the next release)

Pre-Release 2.0.1-alpha

05 Jun 18:12
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Pre-release for Hub 2.0-alpha

2.0 Early Alpha

05 Jun 00:21
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2.0 Early Alpha Pre-release
Merge pull request #916 from activeloopai/task/2.0/append-api-updates

[2.0] Various API changes


29 May 14:31
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🚀 New

🐛 Bug Fixes

🔗 Dependency Updates


29 Apr 14:16
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🧭 What's Changed

🐛 Bug Fixes

🔗 Dependency Updates

⚙️ Who Contributed

@AbhinavTuli, @Anselmoo, @istranic, @kristinagrig06 and @mynameisvinn


19 Apr 13:18
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🐛 Bug Fixes

🧭 What's Changed

🚀 New

🗂 Documentation

🔗 Dependency Updates

⚙️ Who Contributed

@AbhinavTuli, @DebadityaPal, @Diveafall, @haiyangdeperci, @mikayelh and @thisiseshan

1.3.3 🚀

09 Apr 07:56
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🧭 What's Changed

  • to_pytorch now supports a new argument (key_list) that only passes certain tensors to it and speeds up iteration time in case multiple extra tensors are present. (#715) @AbhinavTuli
  • Caching present within to_pytorch has been improved to tensors with dynamic shapes (earlier it was saving only the current sample in the cache) (#715) @AbhinavTuli
  • Added ability to store DatasetView as a new Dataset (#740) @AbhinavTuli
  • Introduces Windows and MacOS tests to circleci (#719) @haiyangdeperci
  • Benchmark restructuring and memory profiling (#642) @benchislett
  • changed default dtype of classlabel from uint16 to uint8 (#745) @AbhinavTuli
  • Updated humbug version (#728) @zomglings

🗂️ Documentation

  • Add examples of dataset generation and modification using transforms, trainings with TensorFlow and PyTorch (#675) @kristinagrig06
  • Added code and testing notebook for running dataset transforms on a ray cluster. (#713) @kristinagrig06

🐛 Bug Fixes

🔗 Dependency Updates

⚙️ Who Contributed

@AbhinavTuli, @Diveafall, @benchislett, @haiyangdeperci, @imshashank, @kristinagrig06 and @zomglings


26 Mar 11:10
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🚀 New

🧭 What's Changed

  • to_tensorflow now supports a new argument (key_list) that only passes certain tensors to it and speeds up iteration time in case multiple extra tensors are present. (#689) @AbhinavTuli
  • Caching present within to_tensorflow has been improved to tensors with dynamic shapes (earlier it was saving only the current sample in the cache) (#689) @AbhinavTuli
  • Adds the option to specify None as compressor while defining the schema (#689) @AbhinavTuli
  • Adds the ability to slice dynamically shaped tensors and obtain a list instead of iterating over them one by one. (#689) @AbhinavTuli
  • transform logic has been modified to work properly with multiple workers (#689) @AbhinavTuli
  • Added tags to usage and crash reports (#697) @zomglings
  • Added ipynb file with benchmark tests for dnafrag package (#676) @DebadityaPal
  • Relaxed hub requirements (#659) @haiyangdeperci
  • Updated Objectron dataset tensors from generic types to hub schema representations (#705) @haiyangdeperci

🐛 Bug Fixes

🗂 Documentation

🔗 Dependency Updates

⚙️ Who Contributed

@AbhinavTuli, @DebadityaPal, @McCrearyD, @TakshPanchal, @dependabot-preview, @dependabot-preview[bot], @dhiganthrao, @george-zakharov, @haiyangdeperci, @hakanbakacak, @kevinlu1211, @kristinagrig06, @madhucharan, @mynameisvinn, @thisiseshan, @zomglings


26 Mar 08:57
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🚀 New

🧭 What's Changed

  • to_tensorflow now supports a new argument (key_list) that only passes certain tensors to it and speeds up iteration time in case multiple extra tensors are present. (#689) @AbhinavTuli
  • Caching present within to_tensorflow has been improved to tensors with dynamic shapes (earlier it was saving only the current sample in the cache) (#689) @AbhinavTuli
  • Adds the option to specify None as compressor while defining the schema (#689) @AbhinavTuli
  • Adds the ability to slice dynamically shaped tensors and obtain a list instead of iterating over them one by one. (#689) @AbhinavTuli
  • transform logic has been modified to work properly with multiple workers (#689) @AbhinavTuli
  • Added tags to usage and crash reports (#697) @zomglings
  • Added ipynb file with benchmark tests for dnafrag package (#676) @DebadityaPal
  • Relaxed hub requirements (#659) @haiyangdeperci
  • Updated Objectron dataset tensors from generic types to hub schema representations (#705) @haiyangdeperci

🐛 Bug Fixes

🗂 Documentation

🔗 Dependency Updates

⚙️ Who Contributed

@AbhinavTuli, @DebadityaPal, @McCrearyD, @TakshPanchal, @dependabot-preview, @dependabot-preview[bot], @dhiganthrao, @george-zakharov, @haiyangdeperci, @hakanbakacak, @kevinlu1211, @kristinagrig06, @madhucharan, @mynameisvinn, @thisiseshan, @zomglings


08 Mar 15:31
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🧭 What's Changed

  1. Version Control has been added to Hub Datasets! (#610) @AbhinavTuli
  2. to_tensorflow now properly supports Text datasets (#658) @AbhinavTuli
  3. Hub crash and system information reports using Bugout (#624) @zomglings
  4. Added support for multiple BBox and Classlabel, instead of Sequences. (#658) @AbhinavTuli
  5. CLI name has been changed from hub to activeloop (#631) @haiyangdeperci
  6. Notebook example for creating dataset for object detection and instance segmentation added(#629) @haritsahm
  7. Tutorial for working with Audio Added (#592) @mynameisvinn

🚀 New

  1. Hub version command cli (#628) @sparkingdark
  2. Automatic Release Drafter added to repository (#598) @Anselmoo
  3. Improve Directory Structure of Examples (#630) @SauravMaheshkar
  4. Put zarr, tileDB, and hub benchmarks in one file (#534) @DebadityaPal
  5. Refactored Dataset Class (#576) @DebadityaPal
  6. Add Github Actions CI pipeline (#372) @ADI10HERO
  7. Improve Directory Structure of Examples (#630) @SauravMaheshkar

🐛 Bug Fixes

  1. Removed Assertions from and added exceptions (#616) @DebadityaPal
  2. Adds support for dataset views in sharded dataset (#557) @AbhinavTuli
  3. Advanced slicing added for Sharded Dataset (#558) @AbhinavTuli

🗂 Documentation

  1. README added in Korean (#621) @HyeongminLEE
  2. README added in Bahasa Indonesia (#645) @haritsahm
  3. README added in French (#640) @MargauxMasson
  4. README added in Turkish (#608) @hakanbakacak
  5. Chinese Readme Proofread and Update (#613) @Cynthia7979
  6. Change ds.commit() to ds.flush() throughout in (#619) @galbwe
  7. Added explaination for local file system to docs (#634) @McCrearyD
  8. Replaced commit() with flush() in documentation. (#604) @dhiganthrao
  9. Add MinIO to Data Storage docs (#605) @gabriel-milan
  10. Updated example notebooks with pip (#585) @MojammelHossain
  11. Typos fixed (#591) @dPacc

🔗 Dependency Updates

Bump pytest from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2 (#496) @dependabot-preview
Bump ray from 1.0.0 to 1.2.0 (#554) @dependabot-preview
Bump boto3 from 1.16.39 to 1.17.20 (#646) @dependabot-preview

⚙️ Who Contributed

@ADI10HERO, @AbhinavTuli, @Anselmoo, @Cynthia7979, @DebadityaPal, @HyeongminLEE, @MargauxMasson, @McCrearyD, @MojammelHossain, @SauravMaheshkar, @dPacc, @davidbuniat, @dhiganthrao, @gabriel-milan, @galbwe, @haiyangdeperci, @hakanbakacak, @haritsahm, @imshashank, @mikayelh, @mynameisvinn, @sparkingdark and @zomglings