This repository contains templates for the Sphinx-Doc system, both for HTML and LaTeX output. To use it, you need a few steps to configure sphinx correctly.
To initialize a new sphinx-doc documentation, just run the sphinx-quickstart command as usual. Alternatively, copy the files from the example folder into the project folder and start customizing the files.
The following examples assume that you have added the adsy-sphinx-template.src repository either as a submodule or as a regular checkout in the root directory. In other words, your directory layout should look like this:
- html/
- latex/
- README.rst (this file)
To enable the Ad-Sy LaTeX template, add the following to the file:
latex_additional_files = [
latex_elements = {
# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
'papersize': 'a4paper',
# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
'pointsize': '10pt',
# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
'preamble' : r"""
""" % (project)
Unfortunately, due to the way that Sphinx generates LaTeX, we need some additional hackery to get it to work with our template: Replace the latexpdf target in the Makefile with the following code to make it work correctly:
sed -i 's/pdflatex/xelatex/g' $(BUILDDIR)/latex/Makefile
sed -i '/^\\DeclareUnicodeCharacter/d' $(BUILDDIR)/latex/*.tex
sed -i '/\\usepackage{hyperref}/d' $(BUILDDIR)/latex/sphinxmanual.cls
sed -i '/\\usepackage\[Bjarne\]{fncychap}/d' $(BUILDDIR)/latex/*.tex
@echo "Running LaTeX files through pdflatex..."
$(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf
@echo "pdflatex finished; the PDF files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
To enable the Ad-Sy HTML template, add the following to the file:
# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
# a list of builtin themes.
html_theme = "adsy"
#html_theme_options = {
# "rightsidebar": "true",
# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
# documentation.
#html_theme_options = {}
# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory.
html_theme_path = [ 'adsy-sphinx-template.src/html' ]
# Works with github and gitlab
html_context = {
'source_suffix': ".rst",